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  • Sep 15, 2008, 12:39 PM
    Can a parolee get a passport
    I am on parole. I know a felon can get a passport, but what about someone currently on parole? And yes, I know it depends if there are travel restrictions - ALL parolees are on travel restrictions. Ex Con - I hope you know the answer to this question
  • Sep 15, 2008, 12:59 PM

    Originally Posted by RNF
    I am on parole. I know a felon can get a passport, but what about someone currently on parole? And yes, i know it depends if there are travel restrictions - ALL parolees are on travel restrictions. Ex Con - I hope you know the answer to this question

    I'm not Excon but the answer is yes. If you use the search feature you will see it's been asked and answered a lot of times.
  • Sep 16, 2008, 03:16 AM
    As I said, I have seen the answers posted to the question: "can a FELON get a passport?" But not if someone currently on PAROLE can get one.
  • Sep 16, 2008, 05:04 AM
    On parole, you need to ask your PO before you do, if he says you can, yes they will issue a passport, a passport is nothing really more than a federal ID. It is getting a visa to visit another nation that will be more iffy, and the actuall leaving the country.
  • Sep 16, 2008, 08:13 AM

    Originally Posted by RNF
    As i said, i have seen the answers posted to the question: "can a FELON get a passport?" But not if someone currently on PAROLE can get one.

    I did read and understand your question to be about people on parole - and the answer is still, yes.
  • Sep 17, 2008, 09:04 PM
    Thanks Judy! I appreciate your fast replies. I applied for the passport yesterday and will know by next week if it is approved. I will keep you informed.
  • Nov 11, 2008, 07:55 AM
    RNF-I am also on parole and just got my passport issued. Now I have to worry about if there is a travel restriction placed on it that will somehow come up if I try to leave on vacation or for business. Did you get yours?
  • Nov 11, 2008, 02:38 PM
    Nope. Could not:( Um... by the way, I seriously doubt you r in this situtation. Isn't your user name - C-O-P?? Sheesh!
  • Nov 11, 2008, 02:54 PM
    Hi RNF. First off, C-O-P stands for Currently On Parole. Secondly, I got mine without any problem. Are you on Fed Parole? Does your Agent have an Order out against you getting one maybe? Can't figure why I got mine so easily, unless my agent did get called and is playing me until I try to use it.
  • Nov 11, 2008, 02:58 PM

    I would not worry about it. You can get a passport no prob, and unless you are on a no-fly list, you will have no problem unless you look really nervous in the airport. Problem is... it just is not worth it bro. If you leave - you CANNOT come back. You can get out, but as soon as you try and come back, you will be arrested. Coming back in - you will be screened and yes, you will be caught then. Sorry for the bad news.
  • Nov 11, 2008, 03:02 PM
    RNF - Why couldn't you get yours if you say "can get a passport with no problem" to me? Why would they let me leave and then not come back? Though I do think that to leave is not a violation until I have done it. It is hardly a violation to try to leave by getting a ticket or something. The violation is proven by coming back. Is that what you mean?
  • Nov 11, 2008, 03:08 PM

    When you leave they pretty much check your ticket and passport - that's it - they also run your name through the no-fly list - which you are not on. But when you come back, the screening is much more in depth because they are more concerned with who is coming in the country (terrorists) than who is leaving. I think buying a ticket and planning to leave is worthy of a violation, but I do not know. Why do you want to leave the country anyway? How long is your parole for? For me - it just is not worth all the risk and looking over my shoulder forever.
    Also if you leave and your p.o. cannot find you or something and puts out a warrant - then you are busted for sure.
  • Nov 11, 2008, 03:10 PM
    Hey EX, I heard from some other guy who says I can probably get out but that they would nab me for sure on the way back through. Does that make sense to you? I'm asking because I tend to be careful about who I get advice from... heard a lot of bad advice being given to guys on the other side of that fence and don't want to get any here.
  • Nov 11, 2008, 03:13 PM

    Hey again C. Look - I actually paid a lawyer $100.00 for 1/2 an hour of questions about this. Trust me - I did all the research I could do. And that is not the only way I found out the answers. Look - are you seriously thinking about leaving the country?? Why? Is it worth the risk?? I got to go to work, but will reply again later.
  • Nov 11, 2008, 03:15 PM
    RNF - Yeah I am seriously considering leaving the country. I have a reason to go and come very quickly - all legit except being on parole. Did the lawyer tell you not to get a passport? Is that why you didn't get it? I will check later.
  • Nov 12, 2008, 01:31 AM

    Well, I was told that I could get out of the country unless I cam under srutiny for suspicious behavior in the airport and was the subject of further screening. But, I was told that I could not come back because entering the U.S. from a foreign country (citizen or not) you come under much more scrutiny than when departing and that, yes, they would know that I was on parole and was therefore in violation of parole for departing the country. You can ask ex-con if you like, he is very knowledgeable. However, he stated that all warrants are international in response to another post, and that is incorrect. Only a red notice issued by interpol is considered close to an international warrant. I also believe he stated that I would be caught in the airpoirt because they would have my name in their database - again, incorrect. This is according to the lawyer and TSA. Keep searching for answers and let me know what you found out. Like I said - seems too risky to me...
  • Nov 12, 2008, 09:39 AM
    RNF - Thanks for the insight! I was wondering abou that whole database issue when I was able to obtain a passport so easily. It just seems that they would have not issued it if there was a listing that I was already on. How do you seem so sure I am not on the no-fly list you spoke of? How would they know I was on parole when I came back? Do they have a link to all the various state databases? Are you on a state parole or federal? Would that make a difference? Was this a criminal lawyer or an immigration one you saw? Should I ask one or might that just give me away? I know it is risky, but it is also the best chance to get a fresh start that I could ever hope for. I really appreciate your help here, since you seem to know a lot more than I could find out anywhere else. Hope to hear from you later.
  • Nov 12, 2008, 11:37 AM

    When you leave they do not check a criminal recordds database. But when you come in, Customs does. It was sa criminal lawyer, not an Immigration lawyer. The no-fly list was compiled to prevent those who would be a terrorist threat, not to prevent anyone in the US. With a criminal record to fly. It cannot hurt too ask a lawyer about this - you do not have to give them your name or anyhting. Just pay and ask. Let me know what else you find out.
  • Nov 12, 2008, 01:23 PM

    Check out this link and you will find out if you are likely to be on the watch list or not HowStuffWorks "Getting on a Government Watch List" I do not know what crime you were convicted of, so I cannot say you are not on a list, but, as you will see, you have to be nominated to be put on that list for specific reasons.
  • Nov 12, 2008, 01:24 PM

    Will do. What criminal records database do they check? Did he tell you?

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