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  • Feb 14, 2016, 01:17 AM
    Should I worry? Or could this happen after having your second child?
    I'm a 27 yr old woman mother of something 7 yr old girl and I also have a 4 in a half month old girl. For about the past 6 weeks I been bleeding very randomly like sometimes after sex ( not during) I'll bleed not a lot just enough to have to put a pad on until the next morning then I won't bleed for a couple days then out of the blue I'll start bleeding again for a whole day and night then not bleed for a few more days I'm not on birth control yet but until my obgyn appointment I'm wanting some other opinions or experiences any one ever had something like this or similar happen?
  • Feb 17, 2016, 07:21 AM
    We can only guess on the Internet, but you could be irritating your cervix during sex or have a hormonal imbalance. Your doctor should be able to determine the cause once you go to your appointment.

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