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  • Feb 4, 2007, 12:15 PM
    NO make-up!
    I'm 13 and my mom won't let me wear make-up, but my dad will. She won't give in. She also won't let me date. I'm sooo mad at her, but I try not to show it. What should I do? PLEASE DON'T ANSWER WITH YOU'RE TO YOUNG ETC. kay thanks! :confused:
  • Feb 4, 2007, 12:32 PM
    Why on earth would you want to put that rubbish on your face anyway I bet you have lovely skin too, sweetheart trust me when I say you will look back on this in 10 years and think what a fool I was.
    Have you tried actually talking to your mum with out any attitude or grumpyness I'm sure you can come to a compramise.
    As for dating boys uuuuugggghhhhh boys suck and get you into trouble and cause nothing but arguments with your friends.
    Enjoy your teens learn lots and get yourself good grades there the most important thing to worry about so that you can become something later in life and be happy.
    Good luck.
  • Feb 4, 2007, 12:52 PM
    Actually when I talk to my mom I don't give her attitude and she doesn't do compramises. I do get myself good grades and boys don't suck. Kay anyone else have advice?
  • Feb 4, 2007, 12:57 PM
    Short and to the point: Suck it up. Your mom doesn't have to compromise.

    Edit to add:


    actually when I talk to my mom I don't give her attitude
    You're 13. Everything you say and do has the attitude that goes with that in it. Always. YOU may not notice it, but every single person around you does.
  • Feb 4, 2007, 12:58 PM
    You asked for advice you got it no one said you we're going to like what you heard, and if you honestly think boys are the most important thing in life you really do have a lot of growing up to do.
  • Feb 4, 2007, 01:02 PM
    You could do all the decieving that my friends use to do. They would put make up on on the way to school and take it on the way home. You'll find that even adult women to that.
    I only suggest since she does not do compromises. Because a little lip gloss and some eye liner would be compromise. That way your skin will stay clearer.
    ALso talk to dad, see if he can assist her in compromising. I did it with my daugther. Now 17 I love the way she wears her make up. I even took her to a make up artist, It cost be $200 for the consultation, but she learned about the do's and don'ts. She now wears Bare Essence? I think that is how you spell it. All natural product.

    On the boys issue, sorry... I will agree.. boys are jerks and they want only to get into your pants. The bad thing about it, is that it doesn't change, even as adult males.

    Good luck
  • Feb 4, 2007, 01:10 PM
    I don't think boys are the most important thing I just don't think they suck. I know what the most important thing is. God. I already know that I have a lot of growing up to do too because I'm only 13, but that doesn't mean that I'm totally immature. And I didn't mean to sound like I have an attitude. And its totally not true that you guys say that I do all the time. I'm a christian and I know the difference between right and wrong. I happen to go to a private christian school called calvary chapel and the person I want to date happens to go there to. He also knows the difference between right and wrong. So sorry guys jesus loves you!

    More advice needed!!

    Thanks atyourservice for the help but I definitiely won't deceive my mom its totally wrong!
  • Feb 4, 2007, 01:13 PM

    Originally Posted by ATYOURSERVICE
    ALso talk to dad, see if he can assist her in compromising.

    Be extremely careful taking this route... you really don't want to make it look like you're trying to pit them against each other.

    And please, for the love of god, don't take that to mean that you should ask dad after mom says no.
  • Feb 4, 2007, 01:13 PM
    On the boy subject ask your mom if you can go on double dates or a group date she may feel better about letting you go if your w. more than 1 person and you'll feel way more comfortable if you have people you trust around you.

    w. make-up I didn't start wearing make-up until my freshman year. Maybe see if you can just wear mascara and eyeliner? Maybe even chapstick its not a bright color but your lips will shine.

    If she doesn't go for any of that.. try making deals maybe you'll if you raise a "b" to an "a" or do more chores around the house.--em
  • Feb 4, 2007, 01:16 PM
    My parents are actually divorced and he said that when I'm with him I can wear it. And I made sure it was okay with my mom she said fine its his choice. So I'm not doing anything wrong. I don't get why everyone thinks that teenagers are just the worst.. not all of them are and especially the ones that are saved.
  • Feb 4, 2007, 01:18 PM
    I'm a straigt a student and I can wear chapstick, lip gloss, and eye shadow. I want to wear mascara and eyeliner. I've asked about group dates or even just hanging out with him with people and she still said no. thanks for the advice paige
  • Feb 4, 2007, 01:19 PM
    I'm a teenager too & my parents are divorced.. I still haven't worn make-up around my dad cause I don't know what he will think?? My mom doesn't care she actually told me to start wearing mascara.. we aren't the worst! Haha we are the best.. ask your mom if you and a friend can go to the movies[or somewhere else] and meet a guy there and she can pick you up.
  • Feb 4, 2007, 01:20 PM
    Haha go to the movies and then meet a guy instead or what?
  • Feb 4, 2007, 01:22 PM
    Ohh okay well... hmmm.. I don't know I'm out of advice considering I literally just went through what your going through.. ud think id have something else to say but I don't sorry:( well good luck w. your mom--paige
  • Feb 4, 2007, 01:22 PM
    Popotito sounds like a good idea I'll try
  • Feb 4, 2007, 01:29 PM
    Well let your mom know he will [or mite] be there. Just don't leave w. him stay where you are. And maybe call mom and let her know your okay and just checking in.. when I'm w. my friends I always call her and she trusts me more now.
  • Feb 4, 2007, 01:44 PM
    Now forgive me but I have to say if you are a christian surely you should be following a certain commandment of honoring your mother??
  • Feb 4, 2007, 01:49 PM
    I am. Like I said I'm not going to go behind her back and putting on make up or going out with boys because it would be wrong. I just need a solution and advice to help me work this out with her.
  • Feb 4, 2007, 01:56 PM
    You want to know something, I was never allowed to put make up on, not under my roof were my fathers words "i wont have you looking like a scrubber!" I never wore anything remotely low cut or short I lived in trousers and t shirts. There was no way I was going to defy him he was my father and that was that.
    But you know what I got to 21 and I thanked him because I had the most amazing complexion ever and all my friends were pilling on the spot cover and just looked rough.
    I really do believe you need to just stick to what you already use and remember your mums always right ;)

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