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  • Jan 10, 2011, 08:19 AM
    The person I'm dating friend just died how can I be there for them?
    It was there cousion and they were really close a year ago but there cousion got into drugs and ended up dead a year later. And now this person I'm dating is so depressed about it and I just want to be there for them but there so emotional. Crying, and yelling at me for stupid reasons. Should I give up and let go..
  • Jan 10, 2011, 08:50 AM
    People grieve in different ways but time eases' grief, eventually this blow will sofen and your partner will accept things, I think at the start of every relationship its put to the test by some kind of set back or problem that you both need to deal with together and this may be yours'. But if your not sure about this relationship don't feel like you have to stay wit him because of this loss, I'm sure your doing everything you can to make him feel better and so don't feel guilted into staying with him it wouldn't be fair on either of you.
  • Jan 13, 2011, 05:37 PM
    Funny, I'm kind of in the same situation with my current boyfriend- his best friend just passed away new years eve... and he's been especially emotional and taking things out on me. But I know he needs me there the most and it would make it that much worse if you left him. If this person means a lot to you and you see a future with them, then you have to just stick it out and do the best you can.. at the same time, don't let them walk all over you because they have a good reason to.
  • Jan 14, 2011, 09:40 PM
    If your friend is using drugs that will impact his reaction.Is he using as well ?

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