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  • Jan 9, 2009, 06:07 PM
    I'm underweight and I just can't seem to gain weight
    Hi, I'm 14 years old I'm about 5'3 ft and 10kg underweight.
    I eat too much, everybody says that, my normal school day is like this, in the morning before school I eat two bowls of cereal 5 sand-witches a fruit (mostly apple or banana). At lunch-brake I eat the schools food (mostly macaronis,mashed potatoes with some sauce and soup). After school before going home I go to Mc donalds and order 3 cheeseburgers a medium drink. About a hour later I arrive ome, where I'll make sth. Fast like soup or noodles or sth like that, after that I eat cookies (I alwaays have cookies). Then I will do my homework (usually I don't) and go to this thing , I don't know how to say this but it is like this circus thingy, we mostly lear flips and handstands etc. I have it 5 times a week , every time for 1,5 hours. Then I go home, and eat sth my mom made which usually is sth. Like a wok thingy.And I am pretty thin, and I don't have a fast metabolism, believe me I don't... what is wrong with me:confused:
  • Jan 10, 2009, 09:27 PM

    Have you went to the doctor? My daughter had the same problem and we had her looked at by a doctor. We found out she had a tape worm. Once that was taken care of she gained some weight but she is still thin. Some people are just thin as long as you are healthy, I wouldn't worry about it. Give it more time, you are at an awkward stage and your body may not have had time to adjust to the changes that come at your age.
  • Jan 13, 2009, 06:30 AM
    I went to the doctor, and she said that Idon't have a tape worm, and noother disease that could explain this, she only said that maybe I just don't eat enough (yeah, sure).And that's not it.
  • Jan 13, 2009, 10:19 AM
    why do you think you don't have a fast metabolism? A hallmark of an amped metabolism is the ability to burn and not store calories... so I don't get that statement at all. Even if you didn't have a faster metab. In the past, that doesn't mean your body won't change and you age through adolescence and into adulthood.

    my roommate in college could eat 3x the amount I did and he was always skinny... fit, strong, but on the thin side. We both had similar workouts... his body just burned calories like mad.

    I was never really, really thin, but I can tell you while some guys seemed to broaden and bulk up in HS, I didn't hit bigger form until my sophomore year in college. If you look at the changes most go through from early HS to late HS... then HS to college... the changes are really pronounced... but some take longer than others to fill out.

    one of my best friend in college was on the football team, and he had to eat CONSTANTLY to keep his form... yes, he worked out like mad, but he literally got to the place where eating was something he all but hated doing, since he ate all the time.

    are you always hungry? Or are you trying to put on more weight?
  • Jan 13, 2009, 10:33 AM
    Also, get good sleep... rest promotes anabolic activity (muscle building)... reduce stress and anxiety, as these can tie into weight loss.

    And as for the three mc'd sanwiches... just watch your intake... a thin person can clog their arteries with bad food while looking "fit"... nuts like almonds, walnuts, macademias, cashews can provide calories and healthy oils.

    As for gaining in size, resistance training with moderately heavy weight and good form will help you "fill out".
  • Jan 19, 2009, 09:39 PM

    I totally agree with KP 2171 why do you "Think" you don't have a fast metabolism?
    You have all the ear marks of a hyper metabolism. In high school mI was a eating machine, I was 5 ft 8 112 lbs ate before I went to school, ate the school bkfst, ate lunch, went to a burger place after school ate more, came home ate more, then dinner, then snacks through the night, trust me I understand, never gained a pound, played basketball, volleyball and was a stick... enjoy it, but try for healthy foods, eventually it will stick to your bones!! Most people want this problem, eat more, larger portions but even this isn't a guarantee, time will help!
  • Jan 24, 2009, 01:57 AM

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