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  • May 25, 2009, 03:36 AM
    Is it wrong that I enjoy my job as a sex worker?
    Im going to see a counsellor on Tuesday next week but I'm just looking for peoples views on another one of my personal issues.

    I have been a sex worker on and off for 8years. I have only ever worker in legal, upmarket establishments. Ive never been a street worker OR addicted to drugs. I live a drug free life.

    I really enjoy my job. I never wake up on a Monday morning and groan because I have to work. I wake up with a smile on my face and can't wait to get there!

    Many sex workers end up in the industry after being abused/raped by men. They do it as a sign of taking their power back. A lot also do it to support their drug habits. I on the other hard have fallen into it for none of these reasons. I started it because the idea of it completely turned me on.

    Im not only a sex release for my clients but I'm also like a counsellor. Most of my clients have their own personal issues and that's why they see me. With 70% of them, I don't even sleep with them. They just want female interaction.

    Some people ask me how I can enjoy seeing fat old, yukky looking men and to be honest, they might do just one thing that turns me on and then I start thinking about how gross they are and believe it or not but it turns me on even more. When I'm at work I feel like I have a purpose.

    Don't get me wrong, I am not an idiot. Im quite a smart person, Working in the sex industry for me helps my addiction - sex.

    I love my job... is that OK? What are your thoughts? ( I'm asking I kind of want an idea what the counsellor might say)
  • May 25, 2009, 04:32 AM

    What do you mean by sex worker? Legal prostitute?

    I don't think that its wrong to enjoy your work, but you're putting yourself in a very dangerous situation.

    Getting into a job to satisfy an addiction isn't healthy. That's just going to make things worse and never get the issue resolved.

    You do definitely need to see a counselor.
  • May 25, 2009, 04:54 AM

    Originally Posted by ChihuahuaMomma View Post
    What do you mean by sex worker? Legal prostitute?

    I don't think that its wrong to enjoy your work, but you're putting yourself in a very dangerous situation.

    Getting into a job to satisfy an addiction isn't healthy. That's just going to make things worse and never get the issue resolved.

    You do definitely need to see a counselor.

    Yes I am a legal prostitute. No it is not a dangerous situation. Im not walking the streets being picked up by random men. Im in a controlled establishment that caters t a certain group of individuals.

    I do the job for 3 reasons. 1) I love sex and sexual attention. 2)dealing with people and helping people in an intimate situation makes me feel good. 3) Money - I work approx 3-4days a week and make about $2500-$6000 a week.

    This will sound very crass, but knowing the person iside of me, I feel that I would rather be a whore than a slut.. I that makes sense.. cos either way, I like to sleep with different people. Doing it this way, I'm safe
  • May 25, 2009, 05:01 AM
    So you're addicted to sex, you're a prostitute and you're having sex with a married man just for fun. Do I have that right?
  • May 25, 2009, 05:03 AM

    Originally Posted by NeedKarma View Post
    So you're addicted to sex, you're a prostitute and you're having sex with a married man just for fun. Do I have that right?

    Hmmm yeah.. when you say it like that I sound like a lost case... ma this counsellor is guna have a field day on me
  • May 25, 2009, 05:05 AM

    But one thing that wasn't right is, I'm not seeing the married man for fun.. I do love him.. he is the only man I'm kissing...

    (oh my god... when its simplified I sound like a freak)
  • May 25, 2009, 07:26 AM

    Meow420, Do you mind to tell me what region you are in? I like the counselor part. You could be my counselor.
  • May 25, 2009, 10:06 AM

    Originally Posted by abodh View Post
    Meow420, Do you mind to tell me what region you are in? I like the counselor part. You could be my counselor.

    No comment
  • May 25, 2009, 10:18 AM

    The oldest profession will never want for clientele,that's for sure.

    There is nothing inherently wrong with prostitution provided you have the mental and emotional strength to deal with it.

    If you love your job than why are you seeking counseling?

    I don't get it personally.If someone was unattractive and unclean,I would be repulsed.

    Are you perhaps just psyching yourself into believing it is never distasteful to you?

    I hope you are planning for a future and saving your money or investing it as this is not something you will be able to do until your 60.I would imagine clients start to fall by the wayside after the 50 yr.mark.
  • May 25, 2009, 10:21 AM

    Why are you going to see a counselor?

    (Btw, the counselor will not judge you--if this is a real counselor, but will want to make sure you are emotionally, physically, and mentally secure in what you are doing.)
  • May 25, 2009, 10:24 AM
    Where are you from? Where I come from prostitution is illegal no matter how you look at it.
  • May 25, 2009, 10:47 AM

    Originally Posted by artlady View Post
    The oldest profession will never want for clientele,that's for sure.

    There is nothing inherently wrong with prostitution provided you have the mental and emotional strength to deal with it.

    If you love your job than why are you seeking counseling?

    I don't get it personally.If someone was unattractive and unclean,I would be repulsed.

    Are you perhaps just psyching yourself into believing it is never distasteful to you?

    I hope you are planning for a future and saving your money or investing it as this is not something you will be able to do until your 60.I would imagine clients start to fall by the wayside after the 50 yr.mark.

    Im getting counselling because I think I am a sex addict. I just need to speak to someone to see if I need treatment or if its OK to live my life like this.

    My future is bright, Im in the process of purchasing my second house. I haven't been stupid with the money Ive made.

    And I most definitely won't be doing it when I'm 50 lol
  • May 25, 2009, 10:49 AM

    Originally Posted by J_9 View Post
    Where are you from? Where I come from prostitution is illegal no matter how you look at it.

    I don't know about American states but where I live brothels are allowed but only 6 girls are allowed to be working per day over 2 shifts.
  • May 25, 2009, 10:49 AM

    Originally Posted by J_9 View Post
    Where are you from? Where I come from prostitution is illegal no matter how you look at it.

    I come from Australia where prostitution is legal. It is a clean, drug free environment.
  • May 25, 2009, 10:53 AM

    Originally Posted by Meow420 View Post
    I come from Australia where prostitution is legal. It is a clean, drug free environment.

    Street prostitution is not legal but sex workers are...
    It is a strange system but it keeps the girls a lot safer (not to say there aren't illegal street workers though)
  • May 25, 2009, 10:57 AM

    Originally Posted by shazamataz View Post
    Street prostitution is not legal but sex workers are...
    It is a strange system but it keeps the girls a lot safer (not to say there aren't illegal street workers though)

    Some places are a bit shady... I have never worked in a lower class establishment and never worked on the street. I have bever had a bad experience myself in my work place, but I am aware that it does happen on the odd occasion.
  • May 25, 2009, 11:02 AM


    I just need to speak to someone to see if I need treatment or if its OK to live my life like this.
    If a therapist said to you,I think this is emotionally unhealthy,you should get out of the sex business,would that change your mind?

    No one has to walk in your shoes so why would someone's opinion matter in the grand scheme of things?
  • May 25, 2009, 11:09 AM

    Originally Posted by artlady View Post
    If a therapist said to you,I think this is emotionally unhealthy,you should get out of the sex business,would that change your mind?

    No one has to walk in your shoes so why would someones opinion matter in the grand scheme of things?

    Because the rest of the world thinks I'm doing something wrong... I'm happy with my life.. I do some bizarre and somewhat crazy things but I'm happy. I do hide my work from 99% of people in my life though.

    So when people start saying things to me, it makes me question how I live my life. Am I immoral? Am I a bad person? Am I acting in a negative way? It doesn't feel like that, but maybe I'm sooo consumed with sex and things, that I'm just not seeing the reality of it all... make sense?

    If you haven't already, you should mayb read my other questions posted... that might explain other things...

    If a therapist told me to get out of the industry... I don't know what I would do. I guess I have to be open t the fact that it might happen. If it must be done I will do it, although financially it would be a bit of an issue, but one I can deal with. But I really do love my job.. I don't want to leave it if I don't have to..
  • May 25, 2009, 11:13 AM

    Personally, if you have the proper counselling and understand exactly what you are doing, I don't have a problem with it.
    I do believe that counselling is a must, to be emotionally educated about the work, it should also be an ongoing thing as it can be pretty tolling on some people even if they don't realise it.

    I have a friend who works in this industry and she is not a drug addict or a 'slut'... she just likes the job. If you saw her on the street you wouldn't think "prostitute" It is her job and the 'attitude' that goes with it stays at work.

    There are safety risks, both physically and medically which need to be taken into account but the higher class estqablishments actually screen their clients which makes it safer, and protection is used.
  • May 25, 2009, 11:14 AM

    Originally Posted by Meow420 View Post
    because the rest of the world thinks im doing something wrong... im happy with my life.. i do some bizarre and somewhat crazy things but im happy. I do hide my work from 99% of people in my life tho.

    So when ppl start saying things to me, it makes me question how i live my life. Am i immoral? Am i a bad person? Am i acting in a negative way? It doesnt feel like that, but maybe im sooo consumed with sex and things, that im just not seeing the reality of it all... make sense?

    If you havent already, u should mayb read my other questions posted... that might explain other things...

    If a therapist told me to get out of the industry.....i dont know what i would do. I guess i have to be open t the fact that it might happen. If it must be done i will do it, altho financially it would be a bit of an issue, but one i can deal with. But i really do love my job.. i dont want to leave it if i dont have to..

    I have followed this thread and others you have posted and have made replies.
    I think you are conflicted and I hope you find your way. The counseling will be a great benefit to you as talk therapy helps us to get a different perspective of things.

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