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  • Jul 27, 2009, 09:26 PM
    How does someone potty train a Hoarded dog?
    My sister adopted a corgie mix about a year ago and her name is Shelby. Her fiancé and her have tried to potty train shelby since the day they got her and nothing has worked. She came from the humane society and they had mentioned that she was horded. Shelby is a great mannered dog and she listens very well it's just when it comes time for her to go to her crate when they are leaving for work or something she always does her business in the crate no matter if she just went out and did her business. She also rolls or lays all in her mess. They are at a stand still they love shelby and are trying to make her understand she must do her business outside! How do you potty train a hoarder dog that doesn't mind to mess where it lays sleeps eats or lives?
  • Jul 27, 2009, 11:20 PM

    Patients and practice. It will be as if she was a baby all over again. It will take a great deal of time, love, patients, and effort. But its possible.

    I would suggest a run outside. (a dog house, with a gated little yard) perhaps if she were there instead of the crate, she would get the idea better.
  • Jul 28, 2009, 04:44 AM

    If she was from a place that hoared dogs it is likely that she does not understand or care about sitting in her own feces as that is what she is used to.

    People that hoard dogs usually have disgusting living conditions and the dogs suffer for it in more ways than one.

    Ust be persistent and patient as Jennie said.

    Keep trying with potty training, when you actually see her potty on the floor tell her "no" in a growly voice and take her outside straight away.

    When she does do her business outside then give her a ton of praise, make her think it is the best thing in the world.
  • Jul 28, 2009, 10:45 AM

    Great advice jenni, but if they live where I do this time of year an outdoor dog run would not be good for the dog. Yesterday was 107 sorry I live in the US so don't know what that would be in other countries. Maybe a dog run attached to the house with a doggy door? That way Shelby could get the idea to go outside. Good luck lots of TLC and a firm tone of voice works.
  • Jul 28, 2009, 01:15 PM
    Potty training a dog takes time, as most people have already said.

    If the dog does it's business indoors then pick her up, look her in the eyes, and say No in a growly voice.
    If the dog does it's business outside act like the dog just won a billion dollars.

    This way the dog will learn to do it's business outside.

    Good Luck!:)

  • Jul 28, 2009, 09:26 PM
    Just Dahlia
    What's a hoard dog?:confused:
  • Jul 29, 2009, 02:00 AM

    Originally Posted by Just Dahlia View Post
    What's a hoard dog?:confused:

    People who basically collect dogs.

    They can have literally hundreds of dogs in their home and these dogs are rarely given any vet care, are left alone to breed without supervision.
    They usually do not clean their house and it can be covered in feces.

    These dogs are then rescued and the ones that are healthy enough are adopted out to better homes.
  • Jul 29, 2009, 09:29 PM

    People who hoard are not per say bad they just have a very bad habit. I talked to a lady who hoarded cats, the problem was she did't think anyone else could love them the way she did. By the way she did clean her house it was just that with so many cats it was a never ending battle to keep clean and after so many, cats it was impossible to get clean. She cried for days after they took the cats away. She could tell you the names of every one of them.
  • Jul 30, 2009, 12:34 AM

    Originally Posted by AuntSwee View Post
    People who hoard are not per say bad they just have a very bad habit. I talked to a lady who hoarded cats, the problem was she did't think anyone else could love them the way she did. By the way she did clean her house it was just that with so many cats it was a never ending battle to keep clean and after so many, cats it was impossible to get clean. She cried for days after they took the cats away. She could tell you the names of every one of them.

    Yes, sorry I wasn't saying that the people were necessary dirty people but with that amount of dogs/cats then it is impossible to control the situation. Eventually most of them just give up and let everything go crazy.
    They cannot afford to have so many animals vet treated and even spay/neutered which just causes even more dogs adding to the problem.

    I don't doubt that they love these animals but they do have some serious problems.
    I do find it hard to believe that they can love them all equally, I have 2 dogs here and I feel guilty when I am giving one attention and not the other, image that times 100.

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