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  • Aug 14, 2007, 08:21 PM
    How do u know if a belly piercing is infected?
    I got my belly pierced a month ago and it seems to be doing really good [from what I know]. I clean it in the morning and before I go to sleep with dial antibacterial soap... the only thing is people say that I will get a little crust around the piercing but I have not gotten that at all! Is that a good sign? And another thing is that I notice like a "tiny" bit of clear liquid around the piercing. And is there anything I can use to make the piercing less dryed out?
  • Aug 14, 2007, 08:32 PM
    Are you using saline solution or salt soaks on the piercing?

    Not everyone gets the "crusties". It is not a good or bad sign, it just means you don't get it.

    As for infection, if it was infected it would be extremely red, extremely swollen (when I say extremely, I mean more than the normal swelling of a new piercing) and have a yellowish smelly discharge. If you ever experience any of those, see a doctor for some antibiotics.
  • Aug 14, 2007, 08:44 PM
    No I don't have none of that, I don't use saline solution or sea salt [just bactine & soap], but do you know why after I clean it like it gets very dry around that area and I have to put a little lotion around it?
  • Aug 14, 2007, 08:49 PM
    Stop using the Bactine! It has harsh chemicals that can dry out and irritate your piercing, and can also destroy the healing tissue in and around the piercing. I believe the problem is the Bactine.

    Also, now that the piercing is a month old, you want to concentrate on healing. Clean the piercing only once a day. Every time you clean it, you interrupt the healing process, that is why when the piercing is about a month or so old you want to interrupt this healing process as little as possible. Cleaning it once a day with the anti bacterial soap should do the trick. It is the easiest to remember to clean it when you shower.
  • Aug 14, 2007, 08:54 PM
    Oh OK lol! I didn't know that... and when I finally do take the piercing out, like in a few days, should I wait two more weeks so it will be 6 weeks I had it pierced or if I take it out now will it close or be hard to get the belly ring through?
  • Aug 14, 2007, 08:55 PM
    It is best to wait the full 6 weeks before changing the jewelry. It may seem fine to you now, but changing the jewelry too early can highly irritate the piercing.
  • Jun 7, 2010, 07:43 PM
    OK so I pierced my bellybottom 1 week ago and white stuff is coming out and make make the piercin stuck and it's a little red at the top is that okay? What is the best thing to clean is with so it heals faster?
  • Jun 7, 2010, 07:43 PM
    OK so I pierced my bellybottom 1 week ago and white stuff is coming out and make make the piercin stuck and it's a little red at the top is that okay? What is the best thing to clean is with so it heals faster?
  • Jun 7, 2010, 07:43 PM
    OK so I pierced my bellybottom 1 week ago and white stuff is coming out and make make the piercin stuck and it's a little red at the top is that okay? What is the best thing to clean is with so it heals faster?
  • Mar 20, 2011, 07:11 PM
    Ummm so I got my belly pierced and I changed my jewerly 9 days later
    Now its irritating me and it keeps pussing. What does this means should
    I be concerended.
  • Jul 28, 2011, 04:26 PM
    Hi I've had my belly botten done 3 days its got a little red rash on the top of my belly button I've been told it's the ball because its siting on my belly confussed I use sea salt on it l clean it twice a day the stuff that comes put is clear is it goning funny on me can eny one help
  • Jul 28, 2011, 04:32 PM
    I've had my belly botten done 3 days ago I've got a little rash at the top were my bar sites it ant pain full l clean it to a day wiv sea salt the stuff that comes out of it is clear and its stopped bleading could eny one tell me if its something to worry about
  • Oct 29, 2011, 10:20 PM
    I've had mine done for just over 2 months now, it doesn't hurt me unless I wear high wasted pants or a belt around it. I have some redness around the top too and mine pusses but I have only been cleaning mine with sea salt and water about 1 or 2 times per week. I've been reading around and most sites say that infection would be a yellowy puss and the redness would be really bad and swollon. I have been moving my jewlery a lot and I think that could be the reason for the puss because it only comes out when I move it. I have no credibility on this one but I think the white puss that I'm getting is just the crusties that haven't formed. Whatever you do don't put any chemicals or ointments on the piercing Bactine is good for earlobe piercings only. As long as the piercing isn't hurting much it should be fine if you get yellow puss or have swelling or unreasonable pain go see the piercer. I wouldn't sujest going to see the doctor unless it's really bad because he/she will probably just sujest taking it out whereas the piercer might know how to get rid of the infection without losing the piercing! Make sure you clean the piercing but not too much or the skin will not form proporly (like when you get rinkly fingers and toes from being in the water too long) for the first couple weeks or so I sujest 2 times a day then drop down to 1 time a day and then 3-4 times per week. When you change the piercing make sure you use surgical steal, silver or gold fake metals will irritate it. Also clean the jewlery before you put it in. try putting it in boiling water to disinfect. Don't wear dangly jewlery to bed it could get caught that could lead to scaring. No matter how sexy your boyfriend, girlfriend, wife, husband partner might think it is do not let them lick, kiss or suck on it. At least not till it is FULLY healed, their germs can lead to infection and your germs can make them sick! If your piercing kind of gets stuck to your skin (doesn't move when your body does) like mine does don't panick it's normal the crustys are just sticking, take a clean damp q-tip and wipe away the crust that is holding it there, you may also need to push your skin around the piercing downwards.
    Hope all this helps I know it's a little longwinded!
  • Oct 29, 2011, 10:29 PM
    Also if you have a habbit of touching your piercing too much and you keep forgetting not to like me, wash your hands more often and carry hand sanitiser this will decrease the amount of germs getting into the piercing if/when you do touch it. But honestly your best option is not to touch it! If you twist your jewlery for fun try and stop because it will put the germs from the top or bottom of the piercing in the hole and lead to infection. Only twist it when you are cleaning it!
  • Dec 3, 2011, 04:01 AM
    Yess you should be concerended that is infected!!
  • Jan 10, 2012, 09:23 AM
    Yeah your not suppose to change the piercing until at least a month. It is infected.
  • Jul 11, 2012, 03:29 AM
    I got my belly button pierced about one and a half weeks ago, and it was fine but now I have noticed that it is all red a little bit beneath the top ball and also when I move the piercing to be able to see the skin where the top ball sits on,it is all red and a bit raw looking.. I don't think that raw is the right word though.. but it's the first one that jumps to mind and also I got my mum to check it properly for me as I can't see it fully close up, she says there is a bit a of pus there as well. I think its infected, is it? And what should I do about it? Please help! Thanks :)
  • Dec 13, 2012, 03:52 PM
    I got my belly-button peircing about two-weeks ago. Its not bleeding or
    Per-say "pussing" anymore but, clear liquid is coming out. I've been cleaning it with peroxide, and its healing quite fine.
  • Dec 13, 2012, 03:57 PM

    Originally Posted by becky1982 View Post
    Hi iv had my belly botten done 3 days its got a little red rash on the top of my belly button iv been told its the ball because its siting on my belly confussed I use sea salt on it l clean it twice a day the stuff that comes put is clear is it goning funny on me can eny one help

    I'm having the same problem! I was told to change the ball to the same size ball that's at the bottom, and its healing now. But I also recommend you not sleep on your stomach.

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