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  • Sep 5, 2007, 08:21 AM
    Trying to get back on my feet.
    I'm not sure where this story should start but I know that in order to fully understand my situation you really need to know the background so I'll start at the beginning.
    My wife and I relocated to Atlanta in June of 2003 because she was convinced that leaving our great jobs and moving to an unfamiliar area with no prospects so that I could pursue my degree in art was the "right thing to do". I was uncomfortable with the idea but eventually gave in just so she'd leave me alone.

    I eventually got a job with Best Buy making a pittance compared to what I was making at my former job. Not long after our daughter was born and I started school. We began to have problems both financially and emotionally. We separated shortly before our anniversary in 2004. I lost my job shortly after that.
    I've spent the last three years battling depression and bouncing from one dead end part time job to the next.

    Now, I'm determined to get back on my feet and put my life back together but I find that things are worse now than they were. My credit is in shambles, I have no car, and I'm still looking for a full time position where I can earn the kind of money that will allow me to take care of all my financial responsibilities.

    I'm not sure what my options are as far as the credit thing goes. Is there anyone out there with experience in this who can point me in the right direction?

  • Sep 5, 2007, 08:53 AM

    Originally Posted by digitalienhead
    My credit is in shambles.... Is there anyone out there with experience in this who can point me in the right direction?

    Hello digitaldude:

    You told us everything EXCEPT what we needed to know. We ALL have sad stories. What we need to know, is exactly HOW your credit is in shambles?? Judgments?? Collection agencies?? Phone calls?? Repos?? What??

  • Sep 5, 2007, 10:51 AM
    Hello Digital

    In order for us to help you we need to know how your credit is in shambles. Give us the facts not a life story

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