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  • Apr 2, 2007, 04:05 PM
    The difference between "sex" and "love making"
    Ok I have been answering questions on this site for just over a week now and I might add enjoyed it, but I am now interested in peoples views on the following.

    What is the difference between Sex and Love making?

    For many years I have had what I call Sex with my husband , sometimes good and lasts all night yet sometimes shopping list in the mind!

    Then I meet a man who only has to talk to me and he blows my mind, completely takes my mind, body and soul to where no man has reached in the 18 years I have been active.

    Is it me? Or is there quite clearly a difference for everyone?
  • Apr 2, 2007, 09:18 PM
    Good for you, Lou. And yes there there must be a difference. But I have never experienced it. No I take that back I have it has just been a while. Thanks you give me hope for something to look forward to. I think that making love is something you can only do if you are "in love". And just because you are in love it still may not happen. It's just some kind of connection, made when two people attain that level of communion. Or maybe something just cliks. I wish I knew.
  • Apr 2, 2007, 09:33 PM
    In general women make love

    Men have sex.

    The smart man makes the women believe he is making love so he can enjoy having sex.
  • Apr 3, 2007, 10:33 PM
    I think sex is just the physical act.

    Making love is when there is something more than physical attraction, such as love.
  • Apr 4, 2007, 03:47 AM
    I agree with Father Chuck to some extent!

    But in my case, I'm happily married.. and sometimes it sex between us, other times we are making love to each other, other times it's a quickie!

    I think in a strong relationship u can't really distinguish, it works out either ways :)
  • Apr 4, 2007, 09:50 AM
    I think that both men and women can have sex or make love. One of these is not limited to just one gender. Like Krs said, personally, I think it all depends on the type of relationship and mental state of the individuals involved during the act.

    For e.g. With that same man who blows your mind, you may one day feel like just having good old plain sex! And another day, hold him and make sweet love. :) All depends on your mood (and hormones).
  • Apr 4, 2007, 10:16 AM
    I think it's all mood.

    Sometimes, it's about the act itself, and I would call that sex.

    Sometimes it's about the person, and the act is just an extension of that. I'd call that making love.

    Sometimes it's about both... and that's when I'd call it amazing.
  • Apr 7, 2007, 05:55 PM
    Some fab answers here but amused that my post did not attract more.

    Is this still a subject that people choose not to answer or have they just not experienced the difference.
  • Apr 7, 2007, 08:00 PM

    Originally Posted by louie1
    Ok i have been answering questions on this site for just over a week now and i might add enjoyed it, but i am now interested in peoples views on the following.

    What is the difference between Sex and Love making?

    For many years i have had what i call Sex with my husband , sometimes good and lasts all night yet sometimes shopping list in the mind!

    Then i meet a man who only has to talk to me and he blows my mind, completely takes my mind, body and soul to where no man has reached in the 18 years i have been active.

    Is it me? or is there quite clearly a difference for everyone?

    Hi there Louie, now seeing as you asked, yes there is a distinct difference between sex and making love. Sex is wham bam thank you mam, it is normally without much thought at all and making love well that is what everyone that loves someone does, it is tender and caring and considerate (no not boring) it can be powerful too, it can involve adventure, it can involve a little roughness, naughtiness even, it can be whatever two consenting adults choose, making love is pure pleasure, wanting to please each other, it can also just be normal and then falling asleep in each others arms and feeling the love for each other, that is the difference and anyone that finds that, I urge them to grab it with both hands and enjoy and cherish every moment because it is so rare but then I guess if you have found it then you don't need telling. Take care, love and peace anne x
  • Apr 10, 2007, 05:26 AM
    laura hamilton

    Me and my other half have our own definition of 'making love' and having sex. Sex is when its quick, hard and fast like your desperate and can't wait its always quick and frantic. Love making is when it slow and sensual and lasts for ages, the only thing you think about when making love is each other and how amazing your partner is in everyway.

    Well that's my experience!
  • Apr 10, 2007, 04:53 PM

    Originally Posted by Fr_Chuck
    in general women make love

    men have sex.

    the smart man makes the women beleive he is making love so he can enjoy having sex.

    that maybe how you feel but you are so wrong, many men love their women and respect them and when they have intercourse then they make love and is not just a ruse, it may be for many men like yourself as you said it not I, but for many men also love is love and yes communication is all levels is reached, because if you love someone all you want to do is please each other, that is the difference between wham bam thank you mam and lets all think of england, I think that if that is how it is for you then you truly have never loved. Take care, love and peace anne x
  • Apr 10, 2007, 07:38 PM
    Clearly as the word says... Making love... "love that exists and needs to be made to fulfill it's meaning... while Sex is simple sex.. may have an element of love or may not... very fine distinction and hard to distinguish... yet making love denotes a more fulfilling connotation attached to it...
  • Mar 28, 2008, 02:54 PM
    I feel like I shouldn't even be answering this question because I am only 18, but here are my two cents... I have only made love once, it was with a guy that I had true feelings for and he returned the feelings... the sex was great I felt like there was such love and compassion between the two of us that that made the differnece. Sex for me is one of things that you do when you are bored, for me its with someone that I take no person inventory for he's just there helping me through my sex attacts. LOL
  • Jul 7, 2010, 05:41 AM
    Comment on Fr_Chuck's post
    This is a truth which should be reinforced in our young ladies before her first sexual encounter, as not to delude themselves. I, and so many others have been taught sex and love went hand in hand. Had I been taught to have sex just because,; I think

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