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  • Mar 30, 2009, 06:03 AM
    The Joys of Being Single.
    All right, let's face it. There are several threads on here about how to get over someone and the heartbreak you feel in the process. It seems that being single is not an ideal situation for anyone, and most, especially after a break up, are extremely afraid of the possibility of this. I would like to start a top ten list I have made of why it is AWESOME to be single, and why you should enjoy this while you can!

    1. No complaining... my toilet seat is up at all times!

    2. Watching sports. Believe it or not, I don't have to sit there an answer questions about what a freaking first down is!

    3. No more expensive, and most often bad dinners.

    4. If the 'Notebook 2' comes out, guess who doesn't have to see it? (ME)

    5. No more waiting around while my ex sleeps until 12 or 1pm in the afternoon.

    6. 'Sex and the City' is no longer my show of choice.

    7. I can actually talk to any hot chick I want without feeling as if I am a pig.

    8. I do not have to visit her side of the family, which treats me as if I am the devil.

    9. No more expensive gifts for b-days, holidays and the such. Valentines day is OUT!!

    10. No more watching the worthless kU Jayhawks play!!

    I know it is not a question, but seriously, time to enjoy life for some of you guys and gals. What have you come to enjoy about being single? I know you can think of at least one thing you love now! Let it rip...
  • Mar 30, 2009, 06:12 AM

    Good thread, I know when I was single I loved it. I took advantage of all my new found free time.
  • Mar 30, 2009, 06:36 AM

    The free time is the best.

    You don't have to "clear" your plans or "check-in" with anyone.

    If you do something a little on the idiotic side, you don't have anyone else getting mad at you except maybe yourself or your family.

    No awkward meetings with the parents and relatives...

    No more picking up the bar tab at the end of the night for her AND sometimes her friends.

    You get to meet NEW girls and make NEW friends with out feeling like a jerk (although hooking up with someone and feeling like a jerk after the fact occasionally happens... but, what if she took advantage of me?? LOL).

    No talks about marriage or people coming up asking when you are getting married (I hated that) and feeling weird when you say that you're not getting married yet in front of her...

    No more feeling like I'm walking on egg shells.

    No more worrying about things I said and then apologizing over and over again and never hearing the end of it.

    No more wondering why she is pissed at me when I didn't think I did anything wrong.

    Umm, I know there is more.

    Enjoy your time being single and HAVE FUN. Meet and date new girls or guys. When you are ready to settle back down again, then you have a choice to make with that new special someone. Practice safety and take the proper precautions with everything you do.
  • Mar 30, 2009, 06:42 AM

    Awesome thread. =P Some of those didn't apply to me though but definetely a girl is such a money waster -__- I believe everyone agrees with that especially valentines day, birthday etc...
  • Mar 30, 2009, 06:55 AM

    Kc, you can't have your toilet seat up all the time... you will fall in!
  • Mar 30, 2009, 06:58 AM
    I wish
    Very nice list. Thanks!


    Originally Posted by jmw0713 View Post
    No more feeling like I'm walking on egg shells.

    This is definitely unnecessary added stress. I definitely don't miss this one.

    Not only do we have more free time, overall our mind is freed up a lot. So many less things to worry about and I agree, we definitely have more money at our disposal. We definitely could use the extra cash in this economy!
  • Mar 30, 2009, 02:31 PM
    This is a great post!

    1. My time belongs only to me.

    2. Also my money!

    3. I get the opportunity to start all over. Not just relationship-wise.

    4. I get to go out and meet new women while not looking for commitment. It's fun.

    5. No more staying in on Fri/Sat nights because of my ex's anxiety disorder.

    6. No more psychiatrist visits with the ex.

    7. Most important of all: Life has just become a whole lot more interesting!

    After being in a relationship for so long, I almost pity all the people who are stuck in relationships, whether happy or not. Hahaha. Just kidding. But not really. ;)
  • Mar 30, 2009, 02:35 PM

    The number one reason to be single...

    The ability to flirt and play with ANYONE without the guilt of being in a relationship and feeling like you have betrayed someone.
  • Mar 30, 2009, 03:00 PM

    Originally Posted by Justwantfair View Post
    The number one reason to be single...

    The ability to flirt and play with ANYONE without the guilt of being in a relationship and feeling like you have betrayed someone.

    That never really bothered me, it's the times I broke plans with the ex and spent my time friends who didn't like her that did.

    No more TV wars.
  • Mar 30, 2009, 04:04 PM

    What a refreshing thread. THANK YOU. Yes, there is life after a relationship!!

    The best thing is I have the bed all to myself (and the closet)!

    Total freedom without the check-ins.

    You can make and change your plans without consulting anyone!
  • Mar 30, 2009, 04:17 PM

    Great thread.
    When single you also realise that you do not need to be in a relationship with somebody else to be happy!

    You can do what you like, hang around with friends, do the things you want to do without feeling that constant pressure of having to be with someone. Freedom is great isn't it. :D
  • Mar 30, 2009, 07:28 PM

    Great Thread KC!. Life is all about finding happiness within yourself... Once I am truly at that stage I believe only then would I be able to actually SHARE my life with someone else... and not make them my life!.
    Single life is awesome.. you learn about yourself and you can do so many spontaneous things... like go on trips half way across the world, see things you would have never dreamt of and help people that are really in need... its all about self development :)
  • Mar 31, 2009, 05:58 AM

    Forgot to mention... I can now watch "Family Guy" without being crucified. How can you not like that show?
  • Mar 31, 2009, 10:26 AM

    Can we get some female perspective on the joys of being single? I'm not sure, but most of the comments seemed to be from a guy's perspective. I really need a girl to put some Joys of Being Single. :)
  • Mar 31, 2009, 10:27 AM

    Originally Posted by teastalk View Post
    Can we get some female perspective on the joys of being single? I'm not sure, but most of the comments seemed to be from a guy's perspective. I really need a girl to put some Joys of Being Single. :)

    Feel free to add to this... I know I was kind of throwing the ex under the bus, but I also am a realist... there are things she probably LOVES now that she doesn't date me... :D
  • Mar 31, 2009, 10:34 AM

    Personally, I love being single, but as a female, it's about the power to choose. Men have that too but it's so nice to not have any attachments.

    No one to pick up after.

    No mother to pretend to like/tolerate because she is the most important women in a man's life (most of the time.)

    No feelings of jealousy and wondering what is he thinking?

    The toilet seat is always down! ;)

    No planning the dinner menu for the week.

    No additional laundry.

    I can stay in my pjs ALL weekend long, if I want to.

    LOTS of free drinks when I go out. :D

    Overall being single is empowering. You are answering to no one except yourself.
  • Mar 31, 2009, 10:39 AM

    KC man I feel bad for you. You actually had to watch the jayhawks. I am glad you are out of that mess!!
  • Mar 31, 2009, 10:55 AM

    Originally Posted by teastalk View Post
    Can we get some female perspective on the joys of being single? I'm not sure, but most of the comments seemed to be from a guy's perspective. I really need a girl to put some Joys of Being Single. :)

    Here it is from a girl, my joys of being newly single after an 8 year relationship:

    -No dirty underwear on the bedroom floor
    -The bathroom stays clean
    -I don't have to account for my whereabouts
    -When I get a phone call from a male, I don't have to give a detailed explanation of how I know him and the context of our relationship
    -More time for friends
    -New first kisses
  • Mar 31, 2009, 10:56 AM

    Originally Posted by jjwoodhull View Post
    Here it is from a girl, my joys of being newly single after an 8 year relationship:

    -No dirty underwear on the bedroom floor
    -The bathroom stays clean

    Wait a minute... you're a female and you keep the bathroom clean?? I have got to meet you!! ;)
  • Mar 31, 2009, 11:25 AM

    Yes Justy- the toilet seat is always down!

    I can date/flirt different with guys without worrying about being "caught".

    I can sleep in whatever I want. Because NOBODY feels like wearing lingerie EVERY night!

    I can skip a day shaving my legs.

    I can have popcorn for dinner.

    I can talk on the phone to my girlfriends without him assuming I'm talking about him.

    No pretending that I like his friends.

    No pretending that I care about his brother's big game.

    Or pretending like his baby cousin is cute.

    Or having to wear 4 inch heels on date nights

    No having to be Betty friggin' Crocker.

    Sometimes I like to shower alone; just get in, do the job, and get out.

    No feeling like he's snooping looking for old cards or letters from exes. Which I don't keep. Which is why it's really annoying.

    Aside from picking up my son from daycare, I don't have to come straight home or deal with being grilled as to "What took you so long today?"

    I don't have to hear "What's wrong with you? Are you on your period?" just because I don't feel like talking. Guess what, sometimes us ladies want to come home, crack open a beer, and chill out without having to 'talk about our feelings'!

    Whew. That was a lot. :o

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