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  • Jul 9, 2017, 03:29 PM
    Can Anyone Top This ?
    Some days I just slap my forehead with an open palm based on the latest absurdity emanating from the Twitter mouth of the crazy man in the White House.

    Are you ready?

    On Sunday morning, Trump twittered his idea of "erecting an impenetrable Cyber Security unit so that election hacking will be guarded" . Who does he want to do this with? Why, with his new alliance with Russian President Vladimir Putin !!!!!!!!!! - the definitively identified leader of the Russian cyber attckers of the UNITED STATES election process and a slew of other western nations.

    Please, I did NOT make this up. This is NOT disinformation. See for yourself, Go to twitter. It's right there in black and white.

    This time, BOTH sides of the aisle are rolling in disbelief. Is there any doubt remaining that this man is NOT playing with a full deck?

    And this was only ONE of several new absurdities since Friday. An embarrassment of riches - well, not exactly riches, but words fail me.
  • Jul 9, 2017, 03:41 PM
    Time to put down whatever it is you've been smoking, drinking snorting or licking.
  • Jul 9, 2017, 03:51 PM
    We can start with the head of the DNC not using the word "Password" as his password .
  • Jul 9, 2017, 05:10 PM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    We can start with the head of the DNC not using the word "Password" as his password .

    What would you do without the irrelevant past to fall back on ?
  • Jul 9, 2017, 07:08 PM

    Originally Posted by smoothy View Post
    Time to put down whatever it is you've been smoking, drinking snorting or licking.

    Unfortunately that was an actual quote from Trump's tweets. A statement he backpedaled on 12 hours later.

    What I want to know is why anyone would expect Putin to admit the hacking? If I was in Trump's position I would have approached it like this:

    Look Vlad, we KNOW you were responsible for the hacks and e-mail leaks. We KNOW you attempted to hack several state election agencies. You can continue to deny, but we are convinced. So the question is where do we go from here? Can you assure me it won't happen again. Can we move past this and work together for peace?

    But no, Trump in his total inexperience on a world stage simply asks him the question did you do and then accepts his denial. Whether Trump is Putin's puppet remains to be seen, but is incompetence is putting the US in danger.
  • Jul 10, 2017, 01:22 AM
    I have to ask what time warp are you living in? Because your reality is different to my reality. In my reality there is the incredibly small orange man making a lot of noise about nothing, and people are actually addressing real issues, like how do I get to the other side of town and isn't the winter festival great, and oh, didn't I see Malcolm over there somewhere, did he have anything to say to Macron? Probably talked about submarines
  • Jul 10, 2017, 02:09 PM
    This narrative went from Russia hacking, to Russia tampering, to Russia interfering ,to Russia trying to influence our elections (like the US never did that !) Now we find out that a group affiliated with the Clintoon campaign (the same group that came up with the ridiculous Trump golden shower dossier )punked young Trump JR into meeting to discuss opposition research (which she really didn't have ) to try to make the connection of a Trump campaign collusion . The press is treating it like the latest smoking gun when the only real news remotely related is that about half the memos Comey leaked contained classified information.
  • Jul 10, 2017, 02:41 PM
    There are many narratives and opinions floating about Tom, and absent verifiable facts, there is bound to be many more. Nature of the beast in a divided country.
  • Jul 10, 2017, 03:20 PM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    This narrative went from Russia hacking, to Russia tampering, to Russia interfering ,to Russia trying to influence our elections (like the US never did that !) Now we find out that a group affiliated with the Clintoon campaign (the same group that came up with the ridiculous Trump golden shower dossier )punked young Trump JR into meeting to discuss opposition research (which she really didn't have ) to try to make the connection of a Trump campaign collusion . The press is treating it like the latest smoking gun when the only real news remotely related is that about half the memos Comey leaked contained classified information.

    Where are you getting your info from. I've heard nothing about Clinton people putting u the Russian lawyer. And while its true that half of the memos Comey created contained confidential info Comey leaked only ONE memo. One that had no confidential info. But Trump was certainly quick to jump on a FOX fake news story and make false accusations.

    As for Jr's meeting. I actually don't have a problem with him having a meeting to get dirt on Clinton. I'm sure Clinton would have done the same. What bothers me is that he tried to hide it, then lied about it.
  • Jul 10, 2017, 04:32 PM
    I have a problem with them going to Russians to get dirt on Clinton. The repubs have been saying there is enough American dirt on the Clintons for decades. What do they need the Russians for? Why is the only ones they deal with tied to the Kremlin Kriminals? And as Scott points out, why LIE about it over, and over again?

    The laughter you hear is Puttey having a GREAT time, because all Donald got from him is a cease fire in Assad controlled Syria, and an agreement to have Vlad oversee the next two American election cycles, for the Orange Guy.

    That folk is the "Art of the Deal".
  • Jul 10, 2017, 05:59 PM

    1. Where are you getting your info from.

    Even the NY Slimes made the connection of Fusion GPS with Natalia Veselnitskaya .

    What was their connection to Veselnitskaya ? Well they were both involved in trying to reverse the Magnitsky Act. Fusion GPS was also hired by Clintonistas to create the Christopher Steele created ,Trump dossier . Fusion GPS is as of today stonewalling the Sen .Charles Grassley Senate investigators who are trying to determine exactly who hired them.Steele contracted with Fusion GPS to investigate Trump’s ties to Russia starting in June 2016. The exact same month that Trump JR met with Veselnitskaya .She briefly answered questions about Hillary ;but swiftly moved the conversation on to the Magnitsky Act.Trump Jr cut the meeting short after she raised the issue.
  • Jul 11, 2017, 01:20 AM
    So why lie about it?
  • Jul 11, 2017, 07:12 AM

    So why lie about it?
    With the Trumps we are not talking about MENSA people .
  • Jul 11, 2017, 10:37 AM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    With the Trumps we are not talking about MENSA people .

    Donald Jr sure as hell is not a Mensa type. Every time he tries to get out of colluding with the Russians he shovels himself in a little deeper. Now he's hired a lawyer (like the rest of the Trump cronies - unbelievable) who probably told him to keep his mouth shut. But can he?

    He is an embarrassment to his father who purposely kept him out of the Washington scene because of Junior's foot-in-mouth disease. Instead, he watches over Dad's "Empire" where he can do little damage under the watchful gaze of Trump, Sr.

    Junior reports to senior on a regular basis re the Trump holdings. Yeah, yeah, Trump said he would stay away from his business while president, but, as we all know, words have no lasting meaning for Trump other than what he means them to mean at the moment he utters them. Ten seconds later, he may reverse them without a blink.

    1984 has come and gone, but has it? Trumpspeak is the new language.

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