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  • Jan 27, 2015, 06:38 AM
    What kind of condition is dextroamphetamine prescribed for? Is it addictive if used for a long time?
  • Jan 27, 2015, 07:23 AM
    Considering your history at this site, as well as your past, why do you need to know?
  • Jan 27, 2015, 08:51 AM
    Well me dad took me to see a paediatrician. He prescribed these for me to take don't know what they are me dad said I have ADHD what ever that is looked up the tablets and it said things like they were addictive and lots of bad things so just wanted to know. I had to take one yesterday and I can't sleep now I'm so awake, not sure I really want to take them.
  • Jan 27, 2015, 09:06 AM
    I am on thin ice saying this, but your dad needs to take you to a more holistic doctor.
    You should not be taking that drug for ADHD or any condition.
  • Jan 27, 2015, 09:08 AM
    Keep a log of how you feel and make sure you keep your dad and doctor informed as to what's going on. That the only way your concerns can be answered, and the meds can be adjusted and managed properly.

    You should never hesitate to make your doctor your FIRST line of information, and questions you have.
  • Jan 27, 2015, 09:36 AM

    Originally Posted by joypulv View Post
    I am on thin ice saying this, but your dad needs to take you to a more holistic doctor.
    You should not be taking that drug for ADHD or any condition.

    Why do you think that, I thought they sounded pretty bad it said they were addictive and caused all these problems


    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    Keep a log of how you feel and make sure you keep your dad and doctor informed as to what's going on. That the only way your concerns can be answered, and the meds can be adjusted and managed properly.

    You should never hesitate to make your doctor your FIRST line of information, and questions you have.

    Thanks ill do the log thing. Would have asked the doctor but didn't really think about it too much and didn't really take too much notice of what he was saying. Will do that next time
  • Jan 27, 2015, 09:42 AM

    Originally Posted by Thinkaboutit View Post
    Why do you think that, I thought they sounded pretty bad it said they were addictive and caused all these problems

    Almost any medication can be addictive, and abused, but you are under a doctors supervision and he must be kept informed and aware what's going on and I highly suggest you follow instructions to the letter here. Read the instructions that come with your prescription and you will see it has a long list of possible side effects, and you are encouraged to report any you have so the doctor can make reasonable informed decisions as to dosage and usage.Ask him as many questions as you ask US here.

    CALL HIM if you need to. Leave a message or relay your question to whomever answers the phone to be passed on to him. You do not have to wait for your next appointment to communicate with your doctor.
  • Jan 27, 2015, 12:46 PM
    I again go out on a limb and say NOT ALL DOCTORS ARE GOOD DOCTORS! This is not a good one, prescribing speed to a child.
    The FDA approved this for ADHD 50 years ago. The FDA is a JOKE.

    What's WORSE, doctors diagnose ADHD in alarming numbers these days? Why? So INSURANCE will cover the bill, and the bleeping doctor will get PAID.
    How is it that suddenly hundreds of thousands of kids have ADHD? They DON'T!!!!!

    I'm only on thin ice because I'm not a doctor, PLUS I'm giving medical advice to a child. But ADHD is not a disease. It's a catch-all diagnosis for any kind of hyper kid who can't or won't pay attention. UGH!!!!
  • Jan 27, 2015, 03:02 PM
    This is a medication that is commonly used for ADHD. Speed, as Joy calls it, works opposite on people with ADHD than it does on people who don't have ADHD. It will calm you down and help you focus. However, you may find that you have a hard time sleeping, so take it early in the morning. You may also find that you lose your appetite.
  • Jan 27, 2015, 03:24 PM
    I haven't slept all night now I have to go to school and take another 2 tablets before I go I don't want to take them but me dad said they will help me and he would be pretty pissed if I don't. Thanks for all your answers
  • Jan 27, 2015, 04:41 PM
    Considering your history with drug abuse I am surprised your father allows you to take a medication that has a high potential for abuse.
  • Jan 27, 2015, 05:09 PM
    My biggest point was that we don't know that she has ADHD just because one particular doctor decided to say so.
  • Jan 27, 2015, 05:11 PM
    No, we don't. We don't live with her.
  • Jan 27, 2015, 06:09 PM
    I don't think I have ADHD and I don't like the way these tablets make me feel. I really don't want to take them. Can my dad make me take medication if I don't want to?
  • Jan 27, 2015, 06:33 PM

    Originally Posted by Thinkaboutit View Post
    I don't think I have ADHD and I don't like the way these tablets make me feel. I really don't want to take them. Can my dad make me take medication if I don't want to?

    How did the doctor determine you have ADHD?

    Yes, he can. Often there's a "settling-in period" before the med kicks in and the side effects disappear.
  • Jan 27, 2015, 06:55 PM
    I don't know he had a big meeting with me school last year and then we went to doctors and got a referral to see a paediatrician. I use to get in trouble a bit at school or just not go but I was taking a lot of different drugs too. I really don't like these pills they make me feel horrible not me. I don't think I really need to take them I'll have to talk me da about it
  • Jan 27, 2015, 07:03 PM
    She's showing signs that she doesn't have ADHD by her reaction to the drug. And that makes it harmful.
  • Jan 27, 2015, 07:08 PM
    When did the doctor prescribe this? Have you met with him recently? Would you feel comfortable telling him (or your dad) they may be a mistake and it's an incorrect diagnosis because of the pills you were taking then?
  • Jan 27, 2015, 07:24 PM
    I went to the doctors yesterday I only started taking them yesterday. I have a study period now at school so I looked up ADHD. I don't think it sounds like me. Ill speak to me dad about it tonight don't know how it will go I don't see the paediatrician for another 6 weeks and I have to go see some other person to speak to. Anyway he can't make me take them.
  • Jan 27, 2015, 07:27 PM
    There are many test done, mostly psychological tests, tests to determine your concentration level, etc. before ADHD is diagnosed. If done right it takes years to determine if ADHD is the cause.

    It doesn't sound like any testing was done to determine this diagnosis. Too many doctors see kids that are getting into trouble and automatically diagnose ADHD.

    Having said that, we don't know you, we don't know your doctor, we don't know what if any tests you've undergone to determine this. Also, there are many different types of meds used for people with ADHD, not all work on everyone with this disorder. Most doctors start at the bottom (the pills least likely to have side effects or issues) and then work their way up if those meds don't work.

    There are other ways to help control ADHD. Cut out all unnatural sugars, eat healthy, exercise, and learn techniques that help you concentrate.

    I would get a second opinion.

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