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  • May 3, 2006, 12:00 PM
    Question regarding a kitten
    Hello I have a 1yr old kitten who has been throwing up a lot lately.(sp?? )
    We have not yet switched from kitten to cat food
    And have not swithched brands
    We give him cat treats but not that often. We try 2 make sure there is no strings or anything that he could choke on.
    Not to be gross but if you want to help me you need 2 know this
    It isn't a hair ball and it isn't a solid and chunky, like food, it is a very runny liquid
    Thanks and sorry 2 gross you out with that last detail
  • May 3, 2006, 02:00 PM
    howards girl
    Got furballs?? /
  • May 3, 2006, 02:13 PM
    Can you define what "alot" is ?

    It's not uncommon for cats to throw up if they eat too fast, or eat something that turns out to be icky to them (like a bug), or - as you mentioned - have a drastic switch in diet or hairballs.

    If he has vomited more than 3-4 times over that last 3 days, it would be best to take him into the vet. He might just have the flu, or he might have worms... His vet will know what to check and how to proceed.

    If he's only thrown up a couple of times, and it has been more than a few days apart, I would just keep an eye on him. As long as he is drinking water, eating and keeping his food down, and his bathroom "droppings" look okay, I would think he might just have a cold and need some time to recover.

    Give him extra attention and talk to him... And if you see a continuing pattern, take him to the vet to get checked out. :)
  • May 3, 2006, 04:46 PM
    As phillysteakandcheese said::If he's only thrown up a couple of times, and it has been more than a few days apart, I would just keep an eye on him. As long as he is drinking water, eating and keeping his food down, and his bathroom "droppings" look okay, I would think he might just have a cold and need some time to recover.

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    My kitten is drinking and his "droppings" look normal, he isn't eating fast , it takes a long time 2 finish and he doesn't eat it all,he spaces it out, I have been keeping an eye on him, but he throw up 1 day and then last night(5-2) he threw up... that was about 2-3 days apart.
  • May 3, 2006, 06:38 PM
    It could be allergies too. Both of my cats seem to have seasonal allergies and one will get sick from time to time. Then again I also think that he will force himself to eat too much. Especially if he smells another cat on me. He's an attention hog. He doesn't do it with my boyfriend at all and it's his cat. Then again I'm the only female in the house currently and pregnant so that may have something to do with it.

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