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  • Feb 28, 2007, 09:55 PM
    My right knee hurts a lot when I run right under the joint and I don't no why I was 16 when it started now I am 17 and it still hurts did I hurt it? Or what did I do I no you can't really tell me anything my doctor told me its OK my acl is strong and all that good stuff but it doesn't tell me why it hurts send me info ty
  • Feb 28, 2007, 10:20 PM
    Sometimes putting a bandage around the pain helps. Also have you tried old remedies like tumeric, they say it is great for pain or broken bones.
  • Feb 28, 2007, 11:28 PM

    Originally Posted by noeymc
    my right knee hurts alot when i run right under the joint and i dont no why i was 16 when it started now i am 17 and it still hurts did i hurt it? or what did i do i no u can't really tell me anything my doctor told me its ok my acl is strong and all that good stuff but it doesnt tell me why it hurts send me info ty

    Sometimes - if you have hit it hard somewhere or hit a corner in sleep or like me had a ski accident and the knee took the hit the muscle around the knee goes slightly weak. This causes the pain. Go and schedule an appointment with a physiotherapist - let him have your knee checked and he'll give you good knee exercises to make your right knee stronger. Also, if it hurts a lot - you may be advised to wear knee braces when you run - just so you don't damage it. Let me know how it goes for you. I did a marathon after my ski accident and without the brace... and my knees is just fab. I hope you feel better too.
  • Mar 10, 2007, 07:20 PM
    If it is under the knee in the front I'm willing to bet that it is jumpers knee. I used the RICE technique Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. If you don't allow it to rest things are going to be painful for a while. Toe raises, and leg extensions and curls will help. Rework the entire legs and this will help.
  • Mar 14, 2007, 07:13 PM
    Hard to say without examining knee, but given your age, with no history of trauma, and if it hurts in the front half of your knee, I would bet you have "patellofemoral syndrome" or "anterior knee syndrome." It is a very common cause of knee pain in your age. Search the internet and you find a lot of info on it.

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