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  • Dec 4, 2006, 01:07 PM
    Cheating on my girlfriend and now dumped
    OK, well I'm a 19 yr old male who is maddly in love... now my problem is with my "ex girlfriend" she is 18 and we have been seeing each other for two years... in the beiginining of the relationship it was great and no problems... but then a few months in I began cheatin on her with numerous girl exactly 5 diff. girls... she found out because I got caught and she broke up wit me afta each time but she always took me back because I sai di would change... well finally afta the 5th time I did CHANGE... its been 9 months and I ahvent even attempted talking to another girl... me and her have been on and off and right now were off takig space is what she wants to call it... she can't trust me an di understand that but I know I'm a gret catch and she knows I do love her and I know a part of her believe I have changed... but now she thinks she needs this space.. which I don't understand because its been 9mths I haven't cheated on her she finnally gets what she wants and now she says we need some space... but we still talk and see each other she just doeant want the relatinship thing... and theother night me and her hung out and I found out she had talked and chilled with another guy which they didn't do anything but hang out at a club... and she swears she wants nothing to do with him and she wants to be with me but still wants some space... im getting hurt now because instead of blowin up and getting mad I understand I deserved her talking to another guy because I what I had done in the past an di explained that to her and she was surprised for me to not go crazy over her talking to another guy instead I took it for what it was and told her I can TRUST her and I do want to be with her and want to make her happy... I just want to know if I am just waistin my time and should just move on because she will never trust me again or shoul di wait around and give her space and try to make things work... hoppeelsssy in LOVE please help me out
  • Dec 4, 2006, 01:15 PM
    Hi! Well, firstly, I have to really compliment your girlfriend in taking you back all those times... I could never do that... For the record, cheating is a very terrible thing... I think the time off will be good for you and the relationship and may also bring your girlfriend to trust you again. If I were you, I would send little signs to her to make her feel special and keep in mind that you have "changed". Have you thought about why you cheated on her?? Do not constantly go after her, but send her flowers or a romantic email.. something to just keep in her head to make her think about you and trust you. Sometimes a relationship counselor can help if they two of you want to make it and really love each other. She of course has to aggree with this, but I have seen it done before, and the relationships do work out. You seem like you really love this girl and if she trully sees that you have changed and she could rebuild her trust which will take a lot of you to show her, then I see every chance of you fixing this relationship. I have a post on here as well!
  • Dec 4, 2006, 03:02 PM
    You're a great catch??

    Ha ha

    You have cheated on your girlfriend 5 times. Great catch!

    C'mon man, this girl will never be bale to trust you and nor should she.

    And without trust you have nothing.

    Time for you to be single for a while and work out why you feel the need to exploit the trust placed in you by another person.

    You have some serious issues that need sorting before you are in any form of relationship!

    So yes, you are wasting your time and yes, you should move on!

    That is my answer to your question.

    Good luck!


    Originally Posted by NJCUTIE77
    Hi! Well, firstly, I have to really compliment your girlfriend in taking you back all those times... I could never do that....For the record, cheating is a very terrible thing... I think the time off will be good for you and the relationship and may also bring your girlfriend to trust you again. If i were you, I would send little signs to her to make her feel special and keep in mind that you have "changed". Have you thought about why you cheated on her??? Do not constantly go after her, but send her flowers or a romantic email.. something to just keep in her head to make her think about you and trust you. Sometimes a relationship counselor can help if they two of you want to make it and really love each other. She ofcourse has to aggree with this, but I have seen it done before, and the relationships do work out. You seem like you really love this girl and if she trully sees that you have changed and she could rebuild her trust which will take a lot of you to show her, then I see every chance of you fixing this relationship. I have a post on here as well!

    How does he seem like he really loves this girl??

    He has cheated on her 5 times at least.

    Is that love?

    Sorry, but I see no chance of fixing this relationship!
  • Dec 4, 2006, 03:19 PM
    Are you serious... Dude! How many times have you cheated on this young woman 5 times (come on now it was more than 5 times you must be trying to play a good guy here)?

    Another question: hopelessly in love with whom the one that got away? What will you do if you catch her again... Cheat again?

    You are 19 years old and the whole world of girls is out there for you to treat like a buffet table.

    Go and enjoy yourself and next time... tell the next girl that you do not want to be tried down. Tell the next girl that if she sees you in the mall do not get upset with the fact that you are with another girl... for you are single and young and free. (That is what this guy said to me and I said this guy is full of himself... we been married for over 25+ years.)

    Oh, before I forget go to the doctor and have yourself checked for STD and AIDS... this is no joke. For every woman you had sex with... you are sleeping with whatever she had slept with. Busy boys should know this!

    Leave the young lady alone and you move on.
  • Dec 4, 2006, 03:30 PM
    I have to agree with the above-- you're a great catch... OMFG!! :eek: A great catch would screw around 5 times one the "one" he's truly in love with.

    'Nough said. :cool:
  • Dec 4, 2006, 03:36 PM
    OK well there were reasons I had cheated (just so you know we wernet together at these times I just considered it cheating because were still talkin) on the girl she didn't appreciate me... firstly I'm an 19 but I'm on the verge of becoming partner in a sale and marketing firm... and I make over 150,000 a year and when I was really in need of her support she was only being a to me and that was before she knew about me cheatin the funny thing was that I cheated on her and she realized what she had and began to treat me better but she always went back to being a to me so I went back to cheating... but I realzied afta the 5th time I was in love with this girl because I could never get her out my mind, also I always choe to be with her instead of these other girls that were equaly as beautiful they just didn't have my heart like she did and I would do whatever could be done to make her happy so I chose to grow up and focus all my energy on her and try to start a trustin relationship again... but it seems like I still don't deserve the way she treats me I put up with it for the 9mths and feel like I paid my dues and its time for her to start treating me good again and showing me she cares because I won't hurt her again... and I know once a cheater always a cheater... but you know what I feel like me and her have something that could last a lifetime and am willing to do what it takes to get through this rough stage... right now she is all the willing to being with me but just wants some space since we always hung out with each other all the time... which I don't mind at all I think it can only bring us closer... so I dk I know it looks like I ruined it all but me and her both did things to get to this point and I just want me and her to work out and be happy I really am a great catch too I wassnt 9 months ago but like I said have grown a lot and on the path to becoming very successful and am just looking for someone to to support me to help me get to were I want to be... and no I'm not selffish she also has large dreams and I plan on doing everything in my power to support her and get her to were she wants to be so we can both fulfill our dreams and be happy... plus I forgot to mention I have gotten her pregnant the first itme she miscarried the second we chose for an abortion... and I feel as if this was to happen again I would choose to go forth and have a baby with her because maybe that might be what it takes for you to trust I am ready for a truly committed relationship... pleasseeee help me with this.. ia m very bad at explaining things in writing so I'm sry
  • Dec 4, 2006, 03:46 PM
    LMFAO-- :eek:

    1st off: I can hardly understand your posts, you need to learn grammar better and you need to use spell check. If you are becoming a partner in a business and you making 150,000 per year (ya right) then these two things are essential.

    2nd: You have gotten you pregnant twice and the second time you told her to get an abortion--holy $hit you are a catch!!

    Move on--let her find someone else. :mad:
  • Dec 4, 2006, 03:47 PM
    Time for a reality check!

    You deserve to be on your own for a while.


    Originally Posted by wwsv2087
    she found out because i got caught and she broke up wit me afta each time but she always took me back because i sai di would change

    You almost sound like you regret she found out.


    Originally Posted by wwsv2087
    she can't trust me an di understand that but i know im a gret catch and she knows i do love her and i know a part of her believe i have changed

    What makes you think you are a good catch? Did the fact that you cheated on her 5 times slip your mind??

    Without sounding too harsh because I know you are recognising what you did is wrong. Maybe you could be a good catch once you realise that doing this to a woman is very wrong and put more value into what it really means to be in a serious relationship with someone.

    But lets be realistic here, you did this not once, not twice, not even three of four times, but 5 times...

    I feel sorry for her, sorry for the fact that she let it happen to her, but also sorry for the fact that she was naïve enough to believe you when you said you would change without taking any real time out to work on making those changes.


    Originally Posted by wwsv2087
    she can't trust me

    I don't blame her!


    Originally Posted by wwsv2087
    and the other night me and her hung out and i found out she had talked and chilled with another guy which they didnt do anythin but hang out at a club...and she swears she wants nothin to do with him and she wants to be with me but still wants some space

    She has every right to be with who she wants to be with. You sound as if you think she will cheat on you.. But get this...

    You are 'off' now as you say which to me sounds like a break, separation, whatever you want to call it.. So what she does now is her business.. and if she did do anything, she would not be cheating!


    Originally Posted by wwsv2087
    im getin hurt now because instead of blowin up and gettin mad i understand i deserved her talkin to anothe guy because i wat i had done in the past an di explained taht to her and she was surprised for me to not go crazy over her talkin to another guy instead i took it for what it was and told her i can TRUST her and i do want to be wiht her and want to make her happy

    Ahhh, well that's good, I read on and at least you understand that you cannot get angry that she TALKS to someone else! And good that you took it for what it was.


    Originally Posted by wwsv2087
    i just want to know if i am just waistin my time and should just move on because she will never trust me again or shoul di wait around and give her space and try to make things work....hoppeelsssy in LOVE please help me out

    I think you have some issues and you need to understand that you cannot do this to someone and expect instant forgiveness every time. Now that she tells you she wants space, you say you have changed..

    Have you really? How much longer when the dust has settled before you find the urge to do it again?

    O.K, if you have really changed, then fair enough, I ask, what made you change, just the fact that she said she wanted space?


    What motivated you to change? And what did you do to make these changes? Or did they just materialize out of thin air?

    Sorry if I sound harsh, I am just giving you my honest opinion.. There is always a chance for people to change if they really want to but it takes time and effort and real self-reflection.

    I think perhaps it would be a good idea for you to take so real long time out from any relationship to sort these issues out.
  • Dec 4, 2006, 03:47 PM

    Originally Posted by wwsv2087
    ....firstly im an 19 but im on the verge of becoming partner in a sale and marketing firm .....and i amke over 150,000 a year .

    Uh no I don't think so. Owners of companies usually can type, spell and use proper grammar. Perhaps the problem is that you live in a wonderful fantasy world.
  • Dec 4, 2006, 03:51 PM
    I don't believe the facts given, I don't see a sincere question, I believe its only purpose is a game and posting to it only makes it continue. If what I'm suggesting seems accurate to you, the only way to solve it is to refrain from further posting at all. Its sad what anonymity does to some people.
  • Dec 4, 2006, 04:08 PM
    I believe that Val took the words out of my mouth. First of all if this is all true and your legit. You're a scumbag @#$%&*% @## @#*&%.

    I do not believe it is a legit question eighter. Your playing games with all of us and val called you out, as I wanted to after reading your posts.

    Nice scam but it does not work. If you were really that type of person one of these girls would have already killed you.

  • Dec 4, 2006, 04:22 PM
    It's called a troll. Spend enough time on the 'net and you run into them often.
  • Dec 4, 2006, 04:23 PM
    OK... firstly yes I do make well over 150,000 a year... secondly I'm in sales and I have very intellectual vocabulary and I don't feel as if this has anything to do with the conversation I only brought up the fact to give some background information... also I didn't just change based on the fact she wants space... after the 5th time I changed and me and her were together for 9months and I had changed and then she pulled the I want some space out of no where... and I have realized to give her the upmost respect and deal with her iness since inside I felt as if I deserved being treated like for I'm sure I will never understand how my mess ups had tortured her... my real question is me and her both love each other and we both want each other... WE BOTH messed up in the past me cheating and her not treating me like she should have (just so everyone knows she admits she didn't treat me as good as she should have and realizes that's why I went elsewhere looking for someone to treat me good and she understands that) but now its 9months later since the last time I cheated and I have done nothing but make her happy... and all of sudden she wants space but her mind changes everyday since last night we spent the all day together watching movies laughing and yea being intimate... and that's when I found out about this other guy she had talked to.. which before I would have went crazy and probably beat the living out of the kid but I have changed and grown and understand I was just getting back what I did I believe strongly in karma so that's why instead I told her that I just wanted her to tell me the whole truth about what happened and I promised I wouldn't even raise my voice or get mad yes upset but not "bug out"... to show her that I have grown and understand if I don't treat her the best someone else will... I know I sound like the worst guy ever which I admit I WAS and I wish I had a time machine to go back and fix all my mistakes but no one is perfect an d I truly feel as if I have my mistakes and learned my lessons which have only made me a much stronger person now... and the fact is she does know this and she knows I have changed and I honestly feel as if she just doesn't want to get hurt again and I want her to take risk even though I know it may be to late... but we are madly in love and also I never told her to have the abortion I actually felt very strongly against the fact she wanted to forth with it but she doesn't want that to hold her life bak right now and her parents had a large decision in that I was all for having both children... I was a pre-school teacher throughout high school and love children and she knows I can't wait to be a father... the reason being I say I'm a great cath also,, I'm very good looking,, have a great future ahead of me,, I have made every mistake possible and have learned many lessons... as well everyone I meet would think I was at least 25 based on the fact how I hold a ocnversation and my maturity level I no longer think like a teenage boy and put sex ahead of everything... im planning on purchasing a new home this coming up year as well as becoming a partner with my firm... and all I want is to have my girl back to where she wants to show me how much she loves me without thinking I will hurt her again... maybe my case is very different to everyone else's since there has been so much that's has happened with in these 2 past years there would be no possible way to explain every event... but honestly how can I or what can I do to show her she can trust me... I have offered to purchase a 3 karat diamond ring as onlyl a promise to the love I have for her... and she didn't say yes or no so I wasn't sure I should just surprise her... that I would like a girls advice on... I am willing and have changed for the BEST... I just want the support and the feeling that I am being treated the way I deserve to be treated
  • Dec 4, 2006, 04:25 PM
    Sorry, don't want to read that huge run-on sentence - perhaps you can get your personal admin to make proper sentences for you.
  • Dec 4, 2006, 04:26 PM
    Make it stop it's hurting my eyes!!
  • Dec 4, 2006, 04:28 PM
    Why is everyone so unhelpful I thought this was to help not criticise writing and spelling and techniques... I chose to write in a short form so its easier and faster for me to type if anyone really wants to help please let me know I will give you my email and maybe then I can better explai the situation from beginning to end in more detail... pleasse I just need some help
  • Dec 4, 2006, 04:34 PM
    It is not only your spelling and sentences but your unbelievable story. No one believes you bud.
  • Dec 4, 2006, 04:37 PM
    We believe in the Honesty and Integrity of our members.
    Misrepresntation is not only in Violation of the TOS but also Engenders Contempt towards the asker.
    The use of proper English ISN'T an Optional extra for use of this site, it is a Prerequisite.
    The use of bad grammar and chat speak is seriously frowned upon.
    Please type in Coherent Sentences.

    Thank you for your time.

    Ps I have hot linked the words you may have problems with.
  • Dec 4, 2006, 04:57 PM
    I do not understand what is so unbeliveable this all happened... like... what seems to be untrue I'm sry people but I have a life and wouldn't waste my time... I just wanted some advice on this since none of my friends could give me advice since they have nevver been in this situation
  • Dec 8, 2006, 06:42 AM
    There are some of us who have made mistakes, I cheated on my girlfriend once and she won't have anything to do with me, I'm honestly sorry for what I have done and have learnt my lesson by not being with the one true person who I love due to one moment of madness, why don’t you just grow up and stop wasting the time of real people on here who actually need some help.

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