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  • Dec 30, 2012, 07:13 PM
    UFC and MMA is pretty disgusting(blood), why some people like it despite violence?
    Today I was hoping to see a UFC good descent fight but it turned all bloody nasty. It was so sad and disgusting cause this guy's head was full of blood it was aweful.
    I turned it off and I'm not going to watch any more of that ever.

    Who in the heck want to watch that kind of stuff where blood is dripping all over and people full of blood all over their heads.

    Who in their right minds thinks that is a good thing to laugh about and to enjoy?
  • Sep 7, 2015, 05:15 PM
    I agree if someone 'laughs or enjoys a fighters injuries that is a bit demented. I enjoy watching mma to see martial art techniques applied and tested against another skilled competitor, along with the heart shown by the fighters. I derive no enjoyment from the injuries of a competitor.
  • Sep 7, 2015, 10:23 PM
    Most of the people, who watch it. People (as a group and society) love to watch violence as long as it is not affecting them. It can go back to ideas like Rome and the fights there. The MMA (and I will offend many people on this) merely is a move from the old warehouse fighting of the 1920's though 1960's (and even some in the 70s)

    Before that, you have (many of it staged) professional wrestling where they uses fake blood and injuries to get the crowd excited. Nothing better 50 years ago, that one fighter hitting the other over the head with a chair.

    Many people, live out their own violence inside them, by watching things like this.

    Same issue, why do they want to see all the blood in movies (even though we know it is fake)

    It is merely a sign of a deprived and wicked generation.

    I know in other martial arts competition, for adults at black belt levels, we used no protection and many times there is bloody nose, a broken or bruised rib and so on.

    Closed, what did this new guy do, find every old post we had

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