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  • Jul 6, 2013, 03:03 PM
    Need help, want to send a fanmail
    I'll be specific here, I want to send a fanmail to the tennis player Sabine Lisicki, been a massive fan of hers for years now and I just think she plays some fantastic tennis and has been playing incredible this year and at Wimbledon has really come on to a game. Not to mention the fact I've got a slight crush on the girl as well. I basically want to send a fan letter to her, but I've never done it before and I don't know how to go about it. Also, never too sure how long these sort of players take to reply? Not that I'm impatient, but I'd just like to send something and get a reply if possible, how would I go about it anyone?

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  • Jul 6, 2013, 03:21 PM
    This might interest you (see Contact on the far right) --

    Fanmail --
    Sabine Lisicki
    5500 34th Street West
    Bradenton, FL 34210
  • Jul 6, 2013, 03:23 PM
    This is her official web site:

    Sabine Lisicki - Official Website - media company - english

    And this is her Facebook fan page.
  • Jul 6, 2013, 04:39 PM
    What sort of things do I put in a fanmail? :/
    A previous question I wrote on here when I said I wanted to write a fanmail to Sabine Lisicki, the tennis player, was answered brilliantly and I thank the guys who answered it, but I'm not too sure what kind of stuff people usually put in a fanmail? I could really use a hand here :/. Also, if possible, does anyone know how long tennis players or sportsmen in general take to reply to fanmail? Im a patient person but I'm just curious, I know there's a big chance she won't reply anyway.

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  • Jul 6, 2013, 04:51 PM
    (You should have added this using the Answer button on your other post.)

    Fanmail should be short. I would limit it to 3 sentences of 20 words each, max. It's OK to say something about her tennis style AND having a crush on her, but please, don't expect a response. You may get a secretarial response such as 'Sabine thanks you for your kind words.'
    They have to be constantly afraid of stalkers, and worse. I've seen some of the horror stories of deranged fans breaking into houses and bedrooms, making false claims of romance, and so on, because they believe they do have a relationship. She can't possibly know who is just a genuine fan with a crush vs someone mentally ill.

    Why not practice here? Write 3 sentences and see what people think.
  • Jul 6, 2013, 05:09 PM
    Thanks for replying man and Im new to this site, I didn't see the button on the other post, my mistake. Il give it a go here and you can tell me how it sounds please? Im not really expecting a response, just want to give it a go anyway. Ok, here goes:

    "Dear Sabine,

    I've been a long-time follower of your tennis and want to say congratulations on your recent performances. You've been an incredible performer and played sensational tennis this year which deserves a shoutout. The way you smile all day through the match is such a breath of fresh air to the game and I wish you luck in the next tournament.

    From a fan, David :) x"

    Im rubbish at this fanmail stuff :/
  • Jul 6, 2013, 05:59 PM
    That's rubbish? It's just right. Send it now! Who knows... let us know if you get a response.
  • Jul 6, 2013, 06:08 PM
    Thanks man I will do that, you've been a massive help to me, and I will!

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