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  • Jun 26, 2006, 06:35 PM
    Share what you like about your significant other
    Recently on the site I've seen threads asking people to share what annoys about their spouse, and I realize it's all in fun, but it got me thinking... what do you like about your spouse? What do you really appreciate about them?

    My husband is tall (lol I like tall men, even though I'm short), he's intelligent, ambitious, and very supportive of me. Even though he works long hours at the hospital, he rarely complains about helping out at home. He's a terrific father. He is handy around the house for fixing things. He has curly hair and a gap between his 2 front teeth which I think is really cute, and once while we were dating, he almost punched a guy in the face for being obnoxious to me. Overall I think he's HOT! :D Not to mention being my best friend.
  • Jun 27, 2006, 01:22 AM
    He is my better half, and my best friend.
    He can be funny and he can be quiet at times.

    He is great at fixing things too, which is always handy orange? :)
    Currently he is working on our new apartment, he has done all the electrics from scratch and all the plumbing from scratch. He works hard and he is also studying his Lic B electrician.

    I love the way he looks at me.

    He is very good looking, many people say he looks like a mixture of Leonardo Di Caprio and Matt Damon.
  • Jun 27, 2006, 01:45 PM
    My man is not my spouse, but I like it when he gets the BBQ ready for me and lets me do the cooking. He likes my special sauces. Then we sit and watch the sun go down near the little fish pond. He helps me take in the dishes, and fills the dishwasher and cleans up while I get the TV guide out or put a rented DVD in for us to watch.

    This is a fairly new relationship, and I'm taking it slow, but so far, he knows all the right buttons to push.

    Wish me luck girls, it's a bummer to be alone.
  • Jun 27, 2006, 01:46 PM
    Good Luck Chery. BTW is the new grand baby here yet?

    My hubby does all the hard outdoor work. Here in the Tennessee heat, I hate the heat, I am a winter gal by heart, he does all the lawn and anything that needs to be done outdoors and lets me do the stuff indoors in the air-conditioning.
  • Jun 27, 2006, 06:22 PM
    My wife is great. She is really good with the kids. Always willing to help me out even if she doesn't have a clue as to what I am doing.
  • Jun 27, 2006, 06:45 PM
    Well I'm not long out of a 2 year relationship and still very much in love with the man in question... Some things I love about him are:

    He always loves to lie and cuddle with me.
    He has a cockiness about him, he isn't afraid to poke fun at me, always loved that.
    He saw the good in almost everyone, even if they didn't deserve it.
    He'd always ask me to pick the DVD of my choice, but when I chose one, he'd always say no - up until I picked one he wanted to watch lol.
    He complimented me every day.
    He always got rid of spiders for me
    If he was getting us both a drink of the same juice, he'd just put it in a pint glass and we'd share.
    He was and is the best friend I've ever had.
    I'm very petite, and he always told me I was the cutest thing - I used to hate being small, now I love it lol.
    And he's a bodybuilder, and a good bit taller than me, so he gives the best cuddles in the world, I call them 'Muscle Cuddles' or 'Muddles' lol.
    He always rubs my feet, even if they're not sore, or I don't ask - he knows I love a foot rub, so he gives me one all the time.
    He was never the romantic type, which was fine by me, but he knew I liked a little bit of romance now and then, so every few months - he'd fill the room with candles, play some soft music and give me an all over body massage with massage oils.
    We've been broke up for about 3 months, and he still has my picture on his wall.

    I could go on forever... Guys, please don't take your loved one for granted - I beg you. I did, and now I've lost him and would do anything to be back with him again. I've been in love before, but not like this... I can't even begin to describe my feelings for him.
    Just please, if you have a good thing going, hold on to it, show your partner how much you care, and cherish every second with them... I'd hate for any one else in the world to feel the way I do.
  • Jun 27, 2006, 09:27 PM
    Another one for me to add is that mine picks the 4 year old up so that I can concentrate on the 12 year olds swim team.

    She is trying out next year for the junior olympics. $$$$ but if that is what she wants to do, and she is good at it then we will do anything.

    Oh, yeah, Mom, She will be in FL on the 16th.
  • Jun 27, 2006, 09:32 PM
    This is what I like about my hubby:

    Michael is a nice guy through and through and yes I am using that adjective even after all that discussion about "nice guys" we had here at AMHD! He says 103% (see J-9's thread in humor LOL) to nice guys finishing last. He stops to help out all kinds of people he encounters, not just the little old ladies. He is incredibly easy with people, including me.

    He is very much his own person. We disagree on a quite few things to keep it interesting but where it matters we match up purdy derned good. He fears very little in the world (and I stand in his shadow of confidence sometimes) but will become misty-eyed at the prospect of living beyond my lifetime.

    He keeps up his end of the deal beautifully, reinventing himself as he discovers and learns from the world (as do I). Letting me in and reconnecting with me with no reservations whatsoever. He is a man's man and thinks I am a girly girl, I like that a lot.

    I feel genuinely equally partnered with him, and that has never happened to me with anyone before.

    And he knows how to fix many things (including a great breakfast) and has Paul Newman blue eyes, sigh.
  • Jun 28, 2006, 01:04 AM
    Thanks everyone! All great answers... I love hearing what people like about those they're close to! It's too easy to forget and take those things for granted.

    I want to add more about my hubby but I have to think for a while first LOL.
  • Jun 28, 2006, 05:38 AM
    No hurry, Chava. I think this thread will be around for a long time and get bigger. Our men don't stop learning and growing - so there will be many more things to discover about them - thank goodness!

    Once, men get into this one, they'll realize that we are actually appreciative of them even if we don't always say it.
  • Jun 29, 2006, 08:53 AM
    In a fairly new relationship. Not too serious yet but I do adore him!
    He is always sweet to me. He is romantic and loves to just hold me and cuddle and he will just randomly give me massages. Makes me feel so comfortable with him and I love the way he looks at me!
    He is hot! And he is so affectionate. He also has an independent side (not dramatically needy) and sticks strong to his beliefs. All the right mixes for me!
    Wish me luck! :)

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