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  • Jan 30, 2019, 08:53 PM
    My manager stole from me!
    Known her for 10 yrs, treated like family. Entered her co owned email because of lack of communication and found she had taken a 80K loan (30K fee) using my identity. Fired her immediately. After 3 weeks of crying and realizing she had not paid bills and ruined my credit, I filed a Police Report. That was 3 mo ago, and no DA yet.

    3 weeks ago, found out she opened a personal acct (again in my name) at wells and spent 80K. Obvious its her, Wells delaying calling fraud because of course, they will owe me 80K.

    I realized filing a criminal court is really PAINFUL for the victim, the onus is on ME. So, she's working full time down the street, and I am in the process of losing my medical clinic. Yes, I'm a great doctor but I trusted her without enough oversight and I feel helpless, betrayed and depressed.

    I want to SCREAM from the roof and WARN everyone about her, but the case is not over . I want to tell my patients so they know why I may close. I want to tell the world what happened to me. Why can't I? What do I do? I cant afford a civil suit (but want to do it because the onus is on her). I'm working harder than I ever have to see more patients, but it may not be enough.

    Signed, Suckered
  • Feb 11, 2019, 01:34 PM
    Take it to the Lord. Just saying.

    If you continue to go on this way it will be more than $$$ that you lose.
    Its only money. It is done. Don't fight it just give it to Jesus. I had the same thing happen to me and I was finally able get it out of my life. Later I come to find out the person who did me wrong was much worse off than I have ever been, I really felt bad for him.

    Money, money, money its so funny.

    Take it to the Lord. Just saying.

    If you continue to go on this way it will be more than $$$ that you lose.
    Its only money. It is done. Don't fight it just give it to Jesus. I had the same thing happen to me and I was finally able get it out of my life. Later I come to find out the person who did me wrong was much worse off than I have ever been, I really felt bad for him.

    Money, money, money its so funny.
  • Feb 11, 2019, 06:45 PM
    First stop taking it personal and deal with it legally.

    Put a hold on all of your credit reports to all 3 credit agencies (assuming the US)
    This will stop them from doing any more theft from you.

    Get a audit of your books, if she was doing your books at the business.
    I can tell you from a person who lost perhaps 100,000 to a family member some years ago.

    Next call the police and do a report and each theft, now, not waiting a week, the longer you wait, the less the police often believe it.

    Next don't expect the DA to ever call, you would be surprised how little they go after this sort of thing, and the DA does not call you unless you need to tesitify after they were arrested and changed. So the police investigate, then charges are filed, a warrant is done, the police arrest, a couple of hearings before a judge. And then about 90 percent of the time a plea bargain is reached and you never know anything about what happened.

    Next get an attorney and sue the person for any loss of your money, and the cost to correct your credit. Also get the lawyer involved that will help correct credit reports and communicate with banks, about the loss.

    You can care less what the bank does, as long as they are informed legally that this is not you and you are not liable for the debt.

    First stop taking it personal and deal with it legally.

    Put a hold on all of your credit reports to all 3 credit agencies (assuming the US)
    This will stop them from doing any more theft from you.

    Get a audit of your books, if she was doing your books at the business.
    I can tell you from a person who lost perhaps 100,000 to a family member some years ago.

    Next call the police and do a report and each theft, now, not waiting a week, the longer you wait, the less the police often believe it.

    Next don't expect the DA to ever call, you would be surprised how little they go after this sort of thing, and the DA does not call you unless you need to tesitify after they were arrested and changed. So the police investigate, then charges are filed, a warrant is done, the police arrest, a couple of hearings before a judge. And then about 90 percent of the time a plea bargain is reached and you never know anything about what happened.

    Next get an attorney and sue the person for any loss of your money, and the cost to correct your credit. Also get the lawyer involved that will help correct credit reports and communicate with banks, about the loss.

    You can care less what the bank does, as long as they are informed legally that this is not you and you are not liable for the debt.
  • Feb 11, 2019, 07:09 PM

    Unfortunately, you most likely will never get any of the money back if they have used it all or will only get some of it.

    This happened to my family a few years ago when we sold our business for $120K, the person paid our family $60k and was going to use the clients and business to pay off the rest over a few years.

    The person acted like a cow boy / girl, lost half the clients and couldn't pay. She amounted bills to inland revenue and other places and placed the company into liquidation. We took over the clients again ( what was left ) and had her work them. We then find out the person has someone else whom wants to buy the clients so we allow them to be sold on the grounds we would get the money.

    The person lied to the lawyer and used all the money to pay her debts including paying some of their mortgage.

    Now we could do the person for thief as a servant though at the end of the day we still wouldn't get any money back.

    Anyway, do what you need to do and file charges and make sure the attorney / lawyer is on top of it A.S.A.P so she can't do more damage. Get a full audit done as above suggested as she could of been cooking the books and stolen even more from you.

    You need to find out exactly how much and from where if you can, she has stolen from you when the police arrest her. If the money was used to buy things then those items can be returned hopefully for a full refund.

    If the police are somewhat competent, they should be able to contact some of the places she has brought from using your identity and get security footage if they act fast enough, linking her to the credit fraud and charges.

    Anyway, get on top of it A.S.A.P as security footage and proof disappears as days goes by due to being written over or deleted by store staff.
  • Mar 5, 2019, 12:03 PM
    sandra white
    Contact the victims compensation fund after the manager is convicted. As for the Bank, tell him to get a lawyer to fight the bank.
  • Mar 5, 2019, 06:21 PM
    Waltero, this is the criminal law section, not the religious section. The OP (original poster) is asking for advice based on a legal matter, not a religious one. If you want to talk about God, there's a section for that. This is not the place for your beliefs, this is the place for facts. Remember that not everyone believes in God, so please keep that in mind when you answer questions.

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