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  • Nov 9, 2008, 03:56 PM
    Why do I hate myself?
    I feel ugly and discusting. I don't like my body.I feel I am boyfreind says that I look fine and that he loves me but I don't believe him.I hate myself.why can't I be like everyone else?I just wish I was alone.the more days pass bye I just don't want him around because I feel so ugly and discusting.I love him so much but I just want to be alone I don't like my body.. I just hate myself so much.why?
  • Nov 9, 2008, 09:41 PM

    Come on... try not to feel like this... I know you don't want to be this way, but its hard. See, my girlfriend is just like you. She is a gorgeous girl in my eyes, but when I tell her that, she doesn't believe me. She won't come out with me or spend time with my family or friends, because she believes they judge her and she doesn't feel good about herself, no matter what I do or say. Sometimes she won't even let me see her. It hurts, from the guy's point of view.

    See, you shouldn't hate yourself. You have a boyfriend who loves you a lot. He is not a liar, and he is being honest with you. He loves you for you, so how can you tell him he is wrong in loving you? You must realize you have the love of a good man, and he could love anyone else in the world, but he choose to love you, and he has his reason. You didn't force him to be with you. Its his choice, because he sees something in you that you may not see for yourself, but you should try to see that. Listen to him when he tells you why he loves you, and believe it, because he is telling you the truth. I hope you will be OK soon
  • Nov 9, 2008, 09:58 PM

    Hi, necrobabe!

    I really like the answer that is blackVY gave to you! Some excellent points were made in it!

    I would like to add though, that a good part of life is about making choices. I could choose to hate myself for quite a few reasons. But, you know what? I'm not going to do that!

    Sometimes it's really hard for a person not to "beat themselves up" by the way that they think. It really is easier to quit than to keep on trying.

    You know, if you try and choose to, you can turn "scars into stars", but it's largely a matter of the choices that you make.

    We do wish you the best here!

  • Nov 9, 2008, 10:00 PM

    Has anyone told you you are ugly?
    I've felt this way before but I've learned to over come this.think of all the good things in life.laugh a little:)theres always a good thing that comes out from the bad.I may sound stupid and maybe I am but I only want to help.(ps I'm not christian lol no offence christians... )
    Anyway as Gandhi one said:"When I despair,I remember that all through history the ways of truth and love have always won.There have been tyrants,and murderers,and for a time the can seem invincible,but in the end they always fall.--think of this always:)
    This may not mean aything to you but it was worth a try.
  • Sep 15, 2009, 03:06 PM
    YOU can not possibly hate yourself. If you could feel the TRUE you, you will know that YOU ARE love, and that is the only reality. The way you feel is the other people in your head, (we all have them, the rub is to learn to identify them from the true you); your parents perhaps, or somebody who did not treat you as kind as you deserved. YOUR task now is to really FIND YOUR TRUE SELF. There will be no more self hatred then. And as for how to do that, there are ways. You just need to decide to go for it. And probably you will, since that is the main search worth going for in life.
  • Aug 10, 2010, 02:31 AM
    I have found my true self and let me tell you how much a reality check can get you to hate yourself. Simba5x8 you sound like you like yourself and it also sounds as if you have never felt these particular feelings and I hope you never do. However, I am a piece of . I am a dried up dingleberry hanging from a butt hair hoping for a last breath before dropping into the hole. DINGLEBERRY I'm telling you. I have kids, a wife, and a great job but all I think about most of the time is how much I want to die and just be a rotting lifeless blob. I can tell you it has nothing to do with looks. I am actually fairly good looking but I have tried to disfigure myself multiple times including smashing my own face against a brick wall until I broke my eye socket but yet I still am here and not disfigured yet. I just want it all to be over. There is not enough beauty compared to the ugly in the world and I just can't handle it, not only that but I am a total piece of . I feel like I am not worthy of being a father nor am I deserving of my wife's love. I got here by luck, she loves me because I don't know why. I can't provide enough, one because I can't seem to ever make enough money to get everything everyone wants even though I know that's not how reality works. I have always felt like I was unworthy of life since I can remember. I can remember singing to myself about how I wanted to die and how lonely I was when I was 5 or 6. now twenty years later I am no different.
    In fact, now that I have remembered that piece I may just off myself tonight, not worry anymore. If I end up in hell if there is such a place then I deserve it.

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