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  • Jan 11, 2014, 02:50 AM
    Evil Spirits
    Assalamualaikum.. <br><br>My friends always talk about evil spirits and being possessed by them... even when I searched in YouTube I saw saw many videos on exorcisms... is there anything true about this.. &nbsp;of course&nbsp;&nbsp;Allah has mentioned about shaitaan and jinns and how they can lead us to a wrong path... but is there anything like them entering our body?. <br><br>And what about ouija boards... is it just a myth or is it true that if we try it even we don't believe there will be bad happenings... pls answer...
  • Jan 11, 2014, 03:35 AM
    There is nothing that can take away your free will, or possess your body, only your own imagination can do that, and that is the most dangerous.
  • Jan 11, 2014, 03:42 AM
    Is it true that there are energies and forces surrounding us? Most definitely. Are some of them outside of the electromagnetic spectrum? Think gravity. New forces are constantly being discovered and theorized. Gravity gives you weight. Electricity shocks you. Light lets you see. Heat can cook you. Are those forces good or evil?

    'How well are these forces organized' is the question religion has been asking for all time. You will have to decide how your submission to Allah relates you to these forces.
  • Jan 11, 2014, 04:34 AM
    There is evil and evil spirits, yes, asking them and talking to them open them up to be around you. Christianity teaches possession is possible, and that the evil can be done away with. You should talk to the religious leader of your local faith

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