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  • Jul 19, 2014, 10:01 PM
    Is my dream job of being a astronaut, not going to be that good here are some of th
    Is my dream job of being a astronaut, not going to be that good here are some of the good, and bad things about the job?

    Okay the good things 1. Going into space for the first time 2. Exploring the moons, and planets. 3. The pay. 4. Freefalling back to earth from the space shuttle, like in the red bull commercial.

    Okay here are the bad things. 1. The rocket exploding going into, and returning from space. 2. Space food. 3. Going to the bathroom in space. 4. Fixing stuff on the shuttle, and the space station is boring. 5. Cramped space in the shuttle, if someone breaks wind everyone is going to smell it, because there is nowhere for the smell to go. 6. Guessing it cold in space, but there is probably good heating on the shuttle. 7. Not being able to walk on your legs for a while when you return from space.
    So I guess being a Astronaut is not going to be a good job.
  • Jul 19, 2014, 10:38 PM
    Very few astronauts actually make it into space. And it's nothing like the commercials or movies. You need to be exceptionally smart, particularly in math and the sciences. You need to be in good health and great physical condition.
  • Jul 20, 2014, 12:57 AM
    Yes, almost none of the astronauts actually go into space, most train all career and only do that train. Next, no free falling, ( missed that commercial)

    You have to be, some of the best and smartest to get to even try for the program. It is very physically demanding.

    Next, the pay is not all that good, it is average. No one is going to the moon, and no one is going to other planets. (at least at this time) and no real plans to do so.

    The Red Bull commercial is just make believe, not real life.

    Going to the bathroom in suit, or "gas" is the least of the issues you will have to put up with.
  • Jul 20, 2014, 02:17 AM
    This isn't a dream, it's a shopping list. Anyone who is thinking of the food and bathroom won't make it to astronaut anyway. If you are thrilled with space exploration and rockets, you dedicate your entire youth to study that leads to the job. The types of study that can take you there are many.
    This is like someone who is thinking of law school but fretting over the robes the Supreme Court justices wear.
    I'm not trying to kill any dreams. But maybe you need to understand the path to getting to a one in a million job.
  • Jul 20, 2014, 04:46 AM
    How old are you baseballplayer? Maybe check out space camp or space academy. Also check out NASA's site... you'll find a great deal of information regarding requirements, an idea of what to expect if you chose to go that direction, and information for students.

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