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  • May 15, 2012, 10:32 AM
    "overdose" tylenol "long term"
    I have been searching online to see if there is any information on LONG TERM issues after an overdose.

    A little more than 2 years ago I was battling some personal issues and I had several suicide attempts (none of which were realized by family/friends). NOR were they ever medically treated.

    I am no longer attempting suicide, but I do have to wonder if "the damage has already been done". Myself analysis is that my concentration is severaly been damaged, my short term memory has been harmed. I do have frequent headaches and lower right side back pain. I take prescription lipitor and had my "liver test" which came back normal.

    In the past I have overdosed on potassium (two bottles), on tylenol (15,000mg twice and 30,000 a couple times). I also did a few other things... but I do not want to get into those. My question is - is there any information on if an UNTREATED person overdosed on acetominphen and did not die. How and when can you assume that you are okay? Or will I NOT be okay??

    Thanks for any answers.
  • May 15, 2012, 10:45 AM
    Possible long term ( may not even show up now) liver damage, kidney damage ( would get those tested now) May be minor brain cell issues but then we kill those by drinking booze, other illegal drugs also.

    Next by self exam, you are comparing yourself to what you "though" you were at a time when you were not thinking clear since you attempted to kill yourself. So yourself investigation is flawed by one issue, YOU. Only testing before and after can prove that one way or another.

    Most drunks, if asked when drunk will swear they have full or even better control than when they were sober ( don't believe they are drunk) thus self exam is normally flawed for several issues

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