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  • Dec 11, 2006, 12:48 PM
    Non-stop bleeding..
    I have been on Depo-Prevera for 8 and half months. I took my 3rd shot on October 24th. I didn't get my period at all for October or November. And then it all took a change, I got my period on December 1st and I have had it ever since. I was wondering what could be the cause of this, because before I even went on Depo, I only had my period for like 4-5day. This 11day bleeding spree is annoying. Please some one help me!! This is really stressing me out.:confused:

    Age: 19
  • Dec 11, 2006, 12:55 PM
    Unfortunately it sounds very normal to me. I was on depo for 5 almost 6 yrs. It should be fine by the next dose. If not I would consult your gynocologist or the physician who prescribed it for you. But, I did the same thing. Then, I went off it for hopes of having a baby in the next few years. I went on the Yasmin birth control pill for now, and in the beginning it did the same thing, so I feel your pain and frustration I defiantely do. But, it should subside soon. So try and hang in there.
  • Dec 11, 2006, 01:00 PM
    Thanks I hope it does because I hate it... I like to have fun in my life and you can't really do much if your bleeding all the time. Ya know. Thanks for the help :o)
  • Dec 11, 2006, 01:38 PM
    Tell me about it. I thought the bleeding would never end. I would just bleed bleed bleed.
    I talked with my ob/gyn and he said it was very normal for a few doses to straighten you out. The good news well at least it was good news for me, I never had a period after the breakthrough bleeding stopped. In 5 yrs. IT was great. :) Maybe not health
    But it was great. Now I deal with a period, but I did get a vacation from it for a while.
    Good luck :)
  • Dec 13, 2006, 07:26 PM
    It really annoying me, I don't know if I am going to go back for the shot in January. This non-stop flow of blood is sickening and Im really sick of it. It stopped lastnight and then came back this morning. This better end by Friday, or Im going to have a heart attack. I have had this crap for 13 days, Isn't this enough already? Im really annoyed with it. Better go away, I can't stand wearing pads for the rest of my life. I was perfectly fine with out the shot. I did this because my ex boyfriends mom made me. The last shot I got it the day before he broke up with me. So now I see no point of it anymore, its just making me bleed my body out. Ughh Im annoyed!!
    Agravated and sick of bleeding,
  • Dec 13, 2006, 09:16 PM
    What?? You're ex-boyfriend's mom made you get on depo? I don't know why that would happen. But anyway I was on depo for years and I just thought I would throw my two cents in. I did have some strange bleeding during the first shot too. Then I THOUGHT things were getting better because I stopped bleeding all together. But then worse things started happening... consistent morning neck and back aches, depression, migraines, and my hair started falling out in HUGE chunks. Then after being on it more, I started to gain weight... fast. I gained 80 pounds in about 6 months. So finally I talked to my gyno about it and he took me off it. Then for about 6 months after my last shot, I had the most excruciating cramps I have ever felt in my life. And there was nothing I could do besides lie in bed with a heating pad and see my boyfriend's scared face as he watched me go through the pain. And you think this bleeding is bad? When I got off it, I bled 5 months straight, having to change my products every hour. My doctor just said it was normal and to take some imbeprofen. Depo is not normal. Also, I was never told that while on Depo to take calcium. After I stopped I researched the shot a lot more and found out that some girls who have not taken calcium while on it can have the bone density of a 65 year old women!
    I know this is just my experience, but most of the women I know who have also been on it have their own terrifying stories of it. I would not recommend this birth control to my worst enemy. Here are a few interesting websites I found horrifying after being on depo:
  • Dec 13, 2006, 09:24 PM
    My ex boyfriend mom had me go on it when we were together. And it just so happen when I went for my 3rd shot, the next day he left me. I am only 19. I didn't have a period at all for October and November and then all of sudden on December 1st. Bam I was shot with non stop blood. I think I am just going to get off it. And If and when I get a new boyfriend I will just use condoms. And I should be good. I can't go on the pill because I have an issue swalowing pills. But thanks for your 2 cents. Lol I appreciate. Im glad I find others who have my problem or have gone through it. I have read many articles about horror stories. I am really going to get off it. Id rather have my normal period than this that lasts for a long time. Any time I talked to the Clinic nurse about my problems, they always say, that's normal and it will sub side. I have been on the shot for 8 and half months and I have gained like 20 lbs or something like that. I don't need this thing with all of these health issues. Once again thanks for your help.


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