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  • May 29, 2007, 11:08 AM
    Ugh. The morning sickness. Preggie Pops?
    For the past four days I have had the worst morning sickness imaginable. I have tried the saltines in the morning, the flat ginger ale, and warm showers... Is there anything else to make it go away! Has anyone tried those preggie pops? Do they really work or are they just a waste of money? Any teas? Anything! I can't eat much, I have to force myself to eat and it's not very much. Any at home remedies work for anyone? I can't just lay around all because I do have to go to work and we are in the middle of a move so every day is extremely busy. I'm so desperate at this point. :(
  • May 29, 2007, 12:23 PM
    I have never used preggy pops, but eating beef jerky helped me a lot.
  • May 29, 2007, 12:36 PM
    I have never heard of preggy pops, maybe they are a new thing. I found that if you wake up in the middle of the night and drink some ginger ale and eat some crackers, and then repaeat the same routine before your feet hit the floor in the morning, it really reduces the morning sickness. Every time you feel sick, sit down, do not lay your head down though, and drink something. Usually the morning sickness is the worst the first 8 weeks, but if it continues there are medicines that your gyn can perscribe to help out. Good Luck!
  • May 29, 2007, 12:52 PM
    Minty things worked for me... or sour suckers. Sweet tart suckers are the best.
  • May 29, 2007, 01:57 PM
    Preggie pops worked for me. When I got sick at work I would just pop one in and I would feel better. I have been keener on fruity tastes during pregnancy . Every one has different taste during pregnancy so you have to find what is right for you. I think maybe it is the sucking that helps ease morning/all day sickness.
  • May 29, 2007, 02:03 PM
    A lot of my friends have used preggie pops, the ginger ones. They weren't around when I had my kids. I found the best tihngs for me were ready salted flavour crisps, and dipping my face in a sink full of very cold water. It always shocked the nausea out of me! I still do it now when I feel sick and I am never sick after I have done it a few times!
  • May 30, 2007, 08:06 PM
    Well, as far as the preggy pops go, I tried one of my friends(the ginger one) when I was about 2 months, and just about at the end of my rope with puking. Hah. I tried it and the taste just about sent me spiraling towards the toilet again. Yet they always worked for her. SOOO I think it really all just depends on the woman, and the pregnancy. She loved the way they tasted, and I couldn't stand it. Usually when you are having the dreaded morning sickness you are willing to try just about anything, so why not, go for it. Just don't buy a ton of them until you know how you will react to them. As far as remedies go, I don't think there are any. I would drink peppermint herbal tea now and then and that seemed to help... some days... but make sure that you talk to your doctor before using any teas. Some doctors forbid it, some say to use them. Usually so long as there is no caffeine, and you stay away from certain ingredients, they are fine with you drinking them. But make sure you talk to your doctor first. Snacking all day long and keeping well hydrated are the best pieces of advice I could give. Typically the morning sickness comes from low blood sugar(thats why its referred to as morning sickness, because your blood sugar is lowest in the morning after having not eaten anything all night long.) if you let your stomach run on empty that nausea will sweep you away in an instant(speaking from personal expereince. Its different for everyone) but if you are constantly making sure that there is alteast a little bit of light food on your stomach, it helps. And drinking plenty of water will help keep you hydrated for all the times you do throw up( and if you have diahrea) and it will also help keep you from bladder infections. I found that the yogurt drinks helped a lot, as they were something I could just drink, and yet it was light food in my stomach. Hope you find something to help with the nausea soon. Hopefully it will be gone soon. In the end, once you hold that baby, all this annoyance and discomfort will be a distant memory, and you'd do it again in a heartbeat. Good luck!
  • May 31, 2007, 07:59 AM
    The pops I have are citrus favored. I purchased them at Motherhood Maternity.
  • Jun 5, 2007, 08:54 AM
    What works for me with my last two pregnancies and with this one are called "sea bands". They are wrist bands that put pressure on a certain pressure point and keep you from feeling sick. They were made for travelers for sea sickness or air sickness, but my midwife suggested them. They do work! :D As for the preggie pops, I used some, but you could suck on peppermint mints, plus they are cheaper. Anything really with peppermint (I drink peppermint tea).

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