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  • Jul 20, 2008, 04:36 PM
    Cartoon show maybe late 90's or early 00's
    Hi I have a very difficult question to ask. I am looking for the name of a cartoon show that came on in the late 90's or early 00's in the US. I don't remember what channel or network it was on. The show was about these large robots that were pilot by certain select individuals. It was set back in the what looked like the 16th or 17th century. The show didn't stay on the air for long probably a few episodes. Oh yeah and it just came to me I remember that the robots sometimes fought with swords. I do know that the name of the show is NOT neon genesis evangeline or gundam but the robots were somewhat like that. And one of the main robots wore a red cape. And I'm not 100% sure about what I said about the time setting being around 16th or 17th century. I hopes if anyone knows the answer that if you are able please share the answer with me. Thank you.
  • Jul 22, 2008, 12:26 PM
    It could have been one of the poweranger cartoons because they had robots on it and one of the robots did wear a red cape
  • Jul 24, 2008, 02:56 AM

    Originally Posted by beanie16
    it could have been one of the poweranger cartoons because they had robots on it and one of the robots did wear a red cape

    Thank you beanie16 for responing I am somewhat embarrassed to admit that I was once a fan of the power rangers but only the first power rangers after that I became too "kool" to watch it. Lol! But that is not the show I am thinking of this show was animated. But I do thank you again for taking the time to respond. Have a great day!
  • Aug 10, 2008, 08:45 PM
    Was it anime?. I could be gundam
    Gundam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  • Aug 13, 2008, 12:36 AM

    Originally Posted by iminsideyourtv
    was it anime?...i could be gundam
    Gundam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Thank you iminsideyourtv for responding. Gundam is not the name of the show that I am thinking of. Although the show is in a lot of ways like Gundam as far as the robots go. I am willing to offer $10.00 to the first person to come up with the correct answer! I know its not a lot but I really want to find out the answer. This will probably come back to bite me in the rear but oh well. Good luck and have a great day!
  • Aug 26, 2008, 01:23 PM
    Is it not transformers one of the robots has a red upper body 'Optimus prime'?
    The cartoon was called 'robots in disguise'
  • Aug 28, 2008, 02:06 PM

    Originally Posted by kiddycarer
    is it not transformers one of the robots has a red upper body 'Optimus prime'?
    the cartoon was called 'robots in disguise'

    Thank you for responding kiddycarer but it is not Transformers. I have looked everywhere and I can't find the answer. Maybe this one will never be answered.
  • Sep 13, 2008, 02:46 AM
    Vision of Escaflowne? The Vision of Escaflowne - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  • Sep 14, 2008, 03:55 PM

    Originally Posted by williams091479

    Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Congratulations williams091479! You are the winner for answering the question correctly! I knew you had the right answer when I saw the last word in the title. So from here all I need now is to find out where to send the $10 that you have won. You can contact me at [email protected] (no H in the word figter). Thank you for taking the time to read and answer my question. To everyone else that took the time to read and or answer my question I am thankful. Unfortunately now the contest is over. Thank you again for everyone that participated and I hope everyone has a great day!

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