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  • May 28, 2008, 07:08 AM
    Mother cat
    My cat has just had kittens two weeks ago,and has fleas can I treat the cat and the kittens or just the cat.
  • May 28, 2008, 07:48 AM
    Ingredients in Flea & Tick Control Products for Cats

    On here is a list of flea products, certain ones are lsited to be safe for the nursing mama but not to be used on kittens that young. I push the finetoothed comb method to help keep fleas under control. The comb cost under 3 bucks at most big box stores or pet stores. Comb through hair and have a cup of soapy water sitting by to flick the fleas in. It is time consuming but worth the effort. Change and wash their bedding daily, if they are in your home vacum daily. Just to be on the safe side I would sit my vacuum cleaner outside after I used it. I saw a report where it killed them on the way up the cleaner... not sure.

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