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  • Apr 19, 2007, 03:08 PM
    Chica Fish
    Who is the Guy and Who is the Girl?
    I am a gal that thinks like a guy , I love sports baseball, football, golfing, I am going to the ducks -wild game tonight! But I just recently broke up with a boyfriend, I was sad for the first two weeks but I tend to do that with most relationships. I don't get caught up in sad could have would have should have been ordeal.

    My question is:

    Do men react in that same manner? (I hate to limit it to gender)

    Women usually do not, I have quite a few girlfriends and they want to talk about it , go over it again and again and again,.

    The man I was dating was very emotional almost as if he was the female in the relationship. It was very weird to say the least!
  • Apr 20, 2007, 11:28 PM
    A lot of men are emotional, some show it more then others.

    It is not weird. It happens more often then you think. The opposite being. Women not as emotional and male being emotional. Also if you read a lot of posts here on this website you will see. Many many males that are very emotional in the relationship or after the relationship.

  • Apr 21, 2007, 02:38 AM
    So you've never met anyone who meant more than two weeks to you? How old are you? Have you ever been the one who was dumped?
  • Apr 21, 2007, 04:46 AM
    I think it really depends on the depth of the relationship, both genders get hurt and react in this way - you only need to check out some of threads on this site.

    If you have never felt this way then my guess is you have never been truly in love and have been involved in one sided relationships i.e. their feeling is stronger.

    One very true quote - Love hurts!
  • Apr 21, 2007, 04:55 AM
    Its likely you may not have met the one yet who is going to bring out that emotional side of you. You probably just have not been in love yet.

    I don't believe men are far different from women. I also believe that society puts pressure on men to suppress their emotional side or put on some kind of front that disguises other sides to them. I believe that expressing emotions is very important and you are no more of a man if you subscribe to the 'lad culture', can't be seen to do that kind of attitude.

    Not sure what relevance that has to what you were saying but its just a general idea.
  • Apr 21, 2007, 06:22 AM
    We have all grown up in a society that say what men are, and what women should be. I think times are changing, and people are defining themselves by their own standards more and more.
  • Apr 21, 2007, 06:36 AM

    I think its all about being who you are, being true to yourself and others. As long as you are a good human being, why change anything to satisfy some socially acceptable falseness?

    Did that sound cynical? It wasn't supposed to.
  • Apr 21, 2007, 07:01 AM
    I think that's the opposite of cynical, Geoff.
  • Apr 21, 2007, 07:21 AM

    Originally Posted by LBP
    I think that's the opposite of cynical, Geoff.

    Oh yeah.. :confused:
  • Apr 21, 2007, 08:52 AM

    Originally Posted by Geoffersonairplane

    why change anything to satisfy some socially acceptable falseness?

    Did that sound cynical? It wasn't supposed to.

    I think I may have thought that this last bit sounded cynical.:)
  • Apr 21, 2007, 08:53 AM
    Buy then it was expressed as a question, so therefore not cynical...

    LOL. What am I going on about... :D
  • Apr 21, 2007, 09:13 AM
    Just to steer this back onto topic though, I think that people worry too much that showing emotions is a sign of weakness but we are actually emotional creatures and we were created that way. If you can just walk away from a relatively serious relationship and not feel anything or be hung up in some way for a period, then was it really love? Or something to just pass the time?

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