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  • Dec 14, 2008, 08:04 AM
    My 1 year old sons dad is a waster he's not on birth certificate does he have rights?
    I have a 1 year old son with a man called gary, he was not there for me in my pregnance he dened the child was his and I proved it with a dna test and he starts seeing my son for a few months then he doesn't show up for weeks then he turns up again when he wants to. Luckily my son is too young to realise but gary has an older son who he sees rugulary he does everything for him but with my son he's completely different he treats him totally different. He is a drug dealer of cocaine I've found out which he denies and he has no job. Hes not on birth certificate so if I stop him seeing my son has he got rights and I would like to hear peoples opinions on what to do as I feel so sorry for my son but I'm scared what to do? Please help...
  • Dec 14, 2008, 08:26 AM

    Originally Posted by hollydobson24 View Post
    I have a 1 year old son with a man called gary, he was not there for me in my pregnance he dened the child was his and i proved it with a dna test and he starts seeing my son for a few months then he doesnt show up for weeks then he turns up again when he wants to. Luckily my son is too young to realise but gary has an older son who he sees rugulary he does everything for him but with my son hes completely different he treats him totally different. He is a drug dealer of cocaine iv found out which he denies and he has no job. Hes not on birth certificate so if i stop him seeing my son has he got rights and i would like to hear peoples opinions on what to do as i feel so sorry for my son but im scared what to do? please help..............

    You cannot force him to see his son regularly; you cannot keep him from treating one son "better" than the other.

    If he is a danger to his children you must report it. If you want to limit his rights to visit with his son you have to take him to Court and get a visitation/custody order and also support.

    He is the father and cannot simply be stripped of his rights.
  • Dec 29, 2008, 02:24 PM

    Since he is such a bad person, it's better that he NOT be around your child to negatively influence him. Some deadbeats just stop in a few times a year to reassure themselves or because they want the power and may fill his head with lies. Be grateful he's not demanding that he and only he have the child.

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