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  • Sep 2, 2008, 10:10 AM
    Why does hair dye wash out so fast?
    I recently dyed my hair over a week ago, and normally I take a shower every other day. However, I noticed every time I am in the shower, my dye washes out like crazy. And I do use the colour amplifying conditioner as well, and it is said to help lock in the colour, but the colour is washing out! :( :confused:
    Could it be because of the showers I take? Or is is the dye? The dye is permanent by the way.
  • Sep 3, 2008, 09:53 AM
    What colour have you dyed your hair?

    I tend to find that hair which is isn't in good condition doesn't hold colour very well and it washes out quite quickly.
  • Sep 3, 2008, 09:56 AM
    Maybe try a new brand
  • Sep 3, 2008, 02:12 PM
    I dyed my hair colour black, and the brand is very well. It is Herbal Essences, and it was very very expensive. But I heard many time that the more you dye your hair, the more the colour will fade.
  • Sep 4, 2008, 03:14 AM
    So you've dyed your hair several times before? Your hair must be porous. When the hair is porous, it's difficult for the hair to hold onto the shade so it washes out/fades.
  • Sep 4, 2008, 05:27 AM
    PunkChic is right. The cuticle on your hair is probably stripped open and the color can't get a good hold. I would recommend that you use a wash-in (semi-permanent) color for a while that sits on top of your hair shaft rather than the permanent color that strips the hair until your hair has time to heal. You will have to apply more often, but it should help the texture of your hair.

    I had to do that when I tried to turn myself into a blond and fried my hair. It took several months for it to recover. Good Luck!
  • Oct 29, 2008, 05:17 PM
    Your shampoo for one. The color you use is also a factor. Red dyes fade faster. I have been dying my own dirty blond hair to strawberry blond for over a decade so I know how fast the red fades towards blonde. And my stylist always tells me its just red dye. Bleaching is bad for the hair, it will last longer but it breaks down the follicle's structure and they you will, of course, see your roots. Brunette is probably the easiest of the colors to use. Loreal Colorspa is my favorite, and I color one every 3 months or so. It doesn't fade into an odd shade like Clairol. Plus Loreal also makes more couture products so they know what they're doing.

    But, my most important advice to you is watch what shampoo you are using! A shampoo that is sudsy and foamy, that feels likes it's really cleansing, is no good for dyed hair as it washes out the color fastest. You want to makes sure you shampoo isn't sudsy, which might feel odd at first, but these shampoos are the most gentle and won't strip you hair of the color.
  • Aug 10, 2010, 12:57 AM
    My hair is black and I recently died it burgundy, you can't see it but in the sun & light there's a red tint however it been 3 days and I noticed that some of the hair dye is still washing out. I use garnier fructis triple nutrition shampoo & conditioner. I also straighten my hair everyday. Is it normal for the dye to still be washing out? Or not? Any advice?
  • Feb 3, 2011, 11:57 AM
    I have this issue too. My hair is almost totally white now, and I dye it black; so I have great trouble with white hair showing up at the roots. I'm going to try dying my hair a lighter color and using semi-permanent dye. So far, I've been washing my hair less frequently, and when I do wash it, I wash it with cool water. This helps in not taking out the dye as well as not taking out hairs. I find that I loose a lot of dye and hair when I wash my hair in hot water.
  • Mar 31, 2011, 12:46 PM
    It depends what colour you dyed it. If it's red, then I found personally that it starts to fade in up to a week, which is annoying because I have to keep dying it because my natural hair colour blonde starts to come through within a week!

    I have found that whatever make you use its all the same, I have tried XXL live, garnia e.t.c and there all the same really. You find that its bright red for the first 3-4 days then after that it fades and eventually goes a light red/ginger. To make the colour last longer I recoment colour protect shampoo and conditioner because a strong shampoo like head and shoulders will wash your colour out even quicker!
  • May 1, 2011, 10:20 AM
    Comment on KnowItAllNikki's post
    I don't know about the shampoos though, I have tried MANY. I tried Herbal Essences Colour Me Happy for Colour treated hair, and the dye STILL washes out. I also washed it in luke warm water, and it helped a BIT, but not a lot. And my mother dyes her hair black too, and she uses the same dye as I do, and different shampoos, but her hair colour doesn't wash out as fast as mine does, and it confuses me because she dyes her hair a LOT. So I don't think my hair is damaged.
    I think maybe everyone's hair is different and reacts differently to hair colour.
    But does anyone have any shampoo brand/type they can recommend that holds colour in?
  • May 13, 2011, 06:47 AM
    I recently died my hair from blonde to burgundy the best thing to do if u want to keep your color use a dry shampoo it works just as good as wet!
  • May 29, 2011, 12:36 AM
    I dye my hair and bleach it a lot and it holds the colors just fine, I dyed it red in January and its still in there uptil now, I bleach it again so it has this redish blond look that looks so cute. What I don't do though is wash it every week, that will cause the color to fade very quickly,I wash it every 2weeks, I guess thts the trick to keeping your hair color for long. And the colour will fade faster if it didn't stay in your hair until the appointed time to wash it out when coloring . And don't wash your hair before you color it that won't let the colour stay. I have pretty healthy hair for someone who bleaches it every 3months including dye(RED)and I don't give my hair special treatment I just don't practise to let it out a lot mostly I keep it hold up in one or a bun and when I do I don't put pressure on my hair ends I leave them out when holding it up and I don't use gel that breaks your hair and you should always use a shampoo that has in protein the hair is made up of 98% keratin that is protein
  • Jun 7, 2011, 08:43 PM
    Having been a fan of the Shielo brand for years, I decided to splurge and try their Color Protect Conditioner (what's a few more dollars when you've spent hundreds on your haircolor itself!).

    In short, it's the best of the 5 or 6 other conditioning products that I've tried to no avail. In the wintry months, it makes my hair glossy and heavy enough not to be statically-charged and flying around my face. Many conditioners can't seem to accomplish this! I can usually wait to wash my hair every other day (rather than every) in the winter, although when I use this conditioner I've found that I can't skip a day (it gets greasy more quickly). I've been using it for about 4 weeks and I haven't noticed any deterioration in my highlighted color, so that's wonderful too.

    And the smell! I love the smell. It's light and soothing and makes me feel immediately like I'm in a spa. It's well worth the money, and a little goes a long way (I use less than a dime-sized amount).
  • Oct 8, 2012, 09:16 AM
    Hi, I use the red hair dyes and found that every time I wash my hair(3-4 days after last wash) you would think that I had just dye my hair and was rinsing surplus colour away, I dye my hair every 6 weeks and by that time my ordinary hair colour is well down the shafts of my hair. I have tried all shampoo and different conditions with same results. Any ideas!
  • Mar 19, 2013, 10:22 PM
    I dyed my hair a week and a half ago, I dyed it auburn. It's a permanent for dark hair. Every time I wash my hair the color is on the towel!!

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