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  • Aug 18, 2007, 11:23 PM
    How can I be confident around BOYS ?
    :confused: All my life I have been shy. I've never been able to look at boys in the face. Every time I think I get up enough nerve then I chicken out. I don't want to be like this anymore. And I know only I can fix it but I really need some advice. I'm so confused on how to be confident. Sometimes it's not only with boys though. I can't even get up in front of a class and speak without thinking that someone is staring at me and which I know they are. I always put myself down and I don't really think I'm all that pretty. And on top of that I have an older Boy cousin who's popular at my school and he always makes fun of me. None of his friends like me. I'm 15 almost 16 years old and I've never had a Boyfriend or let alone never been kissed. So I need some advice on how to be confident. Please help.

  • Aug 19, 2007, 08:46 PM
    My best advice would be just to get out there and do it. It's hard at first, but once you start talking more in front of people, it gets easier. I won't say it ever actually gets easy, but most of these people already know you. If you've always been shy, they know that. If you want to make them think you aren't just that shy little girl they know, then you have to give them a reason to change their minds. If you say something wrong and sound stupid in front of a boy you like, so what? You might both have a good laugh over it later. Just don't be afraid to be yourself or speak what is on your mind.
  • Aug 23, 2007, 06:01 PM
    Hey Kortney,

    I had the same problem with being more confident rounf girls but slowly I started to progress... all you have to do is learn to talk to them then get to know them a little better then everything comes so easy... once you learn to talk the rest comes as if you've done it your whole life... and most important be yourself because boys like to know the real you and don't like people who don't want to be theseleves... Hope this Helps you

    Love G
  • Aug 23, 2007, 06:43 PM

    Being confident comes from inside you, its how you feel about yourself. The more you like about who you are the more outgoing you will be. Im sure there are many things about you that you can see is positive. Use them to lift yourself up and be proud of who you are.

    Next, go to a strange mall where you don't know anyone. Take a friend with you for support and have some fun. Be bold and talk to every guy you see. You don't have to worry if you don't do something right because you will never see them again. Try different ways to say Hi. Wink at a cute guy or two. Have fun and once your done you can run away with the bigest smile because you finally broke the ice. Now it will be easy to say Hi to guys you know.

    Just remember all you have to do is smile and the guys will follow you anywear. So saying Hi is all you need, the guys will start the conversation and all you have to do is follow their lead.

  • Aug 23, 2007, 10:30 PM
    Hmmm I to have the same problem but only with the shyness bit!!
    What can I do? I can't speak to a guy without going bright red and I can feel it so they must know I get embarrised so that just makes it worse.
  • Aug 23, 2007, 11:49 PM
    Having brothers I can tell you that I learned from them that every guy actually wishes that girls would be the ones expected to approach guys. Don't be shy. Approaching guys is what they actually want you to do! It's how I met my current boyfriend!
  • Aug 23, 2007, 11:59 PM
    I think I love you.
    I've never had a boyfriend either and I know that it sucks.
    And its not like I'm 12 either, I'm your age, but I just... I don't know.
    Plus, I've had people tell others about that little flaw of me. Its kind of embarrassing.
    I actually joined here to ask the very same question.
    I know I'm not helping too much... but I just wanted to say that I can relate to you and I'm happy I found someone that can relate to me.
  • Aug 24, 2007, 12:29 AM

    Originally Posted by Reijhleen
    :confused: All my life I have been shy. I've never been able to look at boys in the face. Everytime I think I get up enough nerve then i chicken out. I don't want to be like this anymore. And I know only I can fix it but I really need some advice. I'm so confused on how to be confident. Sometimes it's not only with boys though. I can't even get up in front of a class and speak without thinking that someone is staring at me and which i know they are. I always put myself down and I don't really think I'm all that pretty. And on top of that I have an older Boy cousin who's popular at my school and he always makes fun of me. None of his friends like me. I'm 15 almost 16 years old and I've never had a Boyfriend or let alone never been kissed. So I need some advice on how to be confident. Please help.


    Well to be confident around stay calm and talk to a couple of boys and that may help you best of luck
  • Aug 25, 2007, 02:07 PM
    Just be yourself, and don't rush things.
  • Sep 9, 2009, 10:19 AM

    Well to be honest with you I had the same problem, but what I did was go start talking on msn or Facebook as it is easier to talk on it. Then the next day we had something to talk about, so my advice to you is be yourself, and just talk about anything then you can carry on the conversation. So take my advice and I promise it will be easier. I always try and talk about stuff the guy does because that way they are way more interested.

    Love x
  • Sep 10, 2009, 12:55 PM

    I am very outgoing, but I also used to be shy. Im not sure if it's something that I grew out of, or just that one day I realized no body really cares so much about all the things you freak out about. When you have to get up in front of the class and do your reports, no one really listens. Most people just space out. Just remember that anything that happens now will be forgotten about within days, and just try to make anything you do fun.

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