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  • Oct 4, 2007, 11:07 AM
    Restraining orders
    Can someone please tell me the steps on how to try to remove a restraining order (I am respondent) and also how difficult it is to win? Here's just a quick summary: My boyfriend and I have been together almost 2 years. Last Oct. he relapsed and some harsh words were said between the 2 of us. He threatened me and I threatened his 5 year old son. Please do not pass judgement. I love his son and said that out of anger. The mother of the son found out I threatened him and said I was not allowed around him any longer. I listened and stayed away because I was afraid she would not let my boyfriend see his son any longer. Well in March she decided to put a restraining order on me (6 months after the fact) to stay away from her and her son. I have never threatened or harmed either of them besides the one time in October (which I have paid the price on). This is becoming exhausting to me. I have to leave my home every time my boyfriend gets his son. I pay the majority of the bills and also foot the bill on the child's clothing/food/toys/misc... Fortunatley my mom lives very close and I can stay with her; however, I have to sleep on the couch and am now having back problems. I never went to the original hearing because I didn't realize how serious this was. Isn't there something I can do? This is my home to and I haven't seen the child for a year now. My boyfriend said the child talks about me constantly. Any help or suggestions would be great. Thanks!
  • Oct 4, 2007, 11:29 AM
    A restraining order is granted by a judge after a hearing. Where were you when the hearing was held? Get an attorney and challenge the order.
  • Oct 4, 2007, 07:27 PM
    You'll be fighting an uphill battle. The courts take any perceived threats to children quite seriously. Unless the mother is willing, don't count on the restraining order being lifted anytime soon.

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