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  • Oct 25, 2005, 06:23 AM
    Soul mates?
    Hi all!

    I am just wondering if anyone can tell me anything about soul mates and past life connections.
    Me and my ex boyf split up in June and since that I have had a few psychic readings and a lot of them have told me that they feel that we are soul mates and that we were connected in many lives before.

    I am a bit confused now. If we are soul mates why did he break up with me and if we are soul mates will fate bring us back together?

    I am sorry I am a little confused with this concept. I never really thought about the concept soul mates or past lives before I had my psychic readings!

    Thanks for all your help!
  • Oct 25, 2005, 07:49 AM
    Soul Mates
    People make their own futures, by their actions, respect for others, hard work, etc.
    Please don't start believing all you hear from a psychic reading. If all this were true, really true, then the world would have them on every corner in every city, and be multi-millionaires telling people what to do.
    I do hope you aren't spending too much money for these readings. It's the oldest con artist thing going. With a little practice, anyone can tell you things that will come true, and be true for anyone, not just you.
  • Oct 25, 2005, 02:12 PM
    According to the many things I have read about it, "soul mates" means that your soul and the soul of another person have interacted several times in past lives. But just because you two are soul mates it doesn't mean that you're supposed to stay together throughout a lifetime. It just means that the two of you will interact in some way. It could be a family relationship, or a romance, or a friendship. The two of you may get back together in this life, or it may happen in another life. Of course all of this makes sense only if you believe that your soul has experienced other lives and will do so in the future.
  • Oct 26, 2005, 12:34 PM
    Please don't start believing! What a quote from you. Always your favorite thing to say. You don't believe in it or much else for that matter that you can't see, touch ,smell etc...
    And they(psychics) are on every corner, and they are filthy rich. As for the oldest con, You are the oldest negative person to constantly quelch on me and people like me. Not like you or so you think! Do I or others constantly rip on people such as yourself? You have never said anything positive about my so called type.
    You might be considered a hater by some. Its people that think like you do that keep the race down. From progressing any further in life or with life in general. If this is your thought on the subject then why do you frequent this forum so much and post.
    Keeping your negativety to yourself is not enough you must spread it around. Your so-called caring( Im assuming that's why you replied to her in the 1st place) is the biggest con game of the century and then some. This is not your business of professional meaning then why but in. Let us professionals deal here and your advice is better off in some other forum Im sure.
    If you spent your money unwisely and were treated unfairly, how much more of this do we need to hear? ANd how long are you going to carry the grudge against the psychic that so called wronged you! Im really over this bad mouthing of my business!
    What exactly is your Job of choice? And what do people that know nothing about you say or the business say? Do they constantly confuse you with or refer to you as a con artist? Simply because it is there opinion and nothing more. And we all know everybodys got an opinion. Peace ranieri

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