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  • Feb 16, 2007, 09:39 PM
    Landlord not following his own LEASE!
    I got the other issues fixed but it states in my lease, that the landlord retains the right to show the house the last month of our lease. Our lease is not up until JUNE 1st.
    He first called and said he wanted to show the house to "someone", I told him what the lease stated. So then he left a note saying he was coming in with a repair man. HE SHOWED UP WITH 7 GUYS! He plans on renting out to college kids.

    My husband called the police cause he had no clue what was going on. He showed the police what it states in the lease but they would not help us.

    Any advice on how to approch this subject with the landlord. I don't want him dragging all these people in here for the next couple of months. I want to inforce what the lease says, that he has the right during the LAST month of the lease.
  • Feb 17, 2007, 12:11 PM
    landlord advocate
    Most leases state that, with a 24 hour notice, the landlord has the right to enter the property for the purposes of re-renting etc. There are, however, other reasons that the landlord may be showing the property. Prior to selling the property, refinancing or changing insurance carriers are also reasons to inspect a property. Chances are the terms under which the landlord can show are property are wider than just for re-renting. Are you sure those were college students interested in renting in June? That doesn't sound logical. Even if the landlord told you they were college students wanting to rent in June, I have a very hard time believing it. Chances are this was a one time occurrence for a totally different reason.

    The police are not going to help with a civil matter.
  • Feb 17, 2007, 04:43 PM
    I know the notice laws and such and when the landlord can enter our home. But it clearly states in my lease that he has the right to show the property to possible new tenants during the LAST MONTH of our lease. Not at any other time sooner.
    He is not showing the place for any other reason or I would not be upset right now.

    No they were all college kids, they had a discussion of how they were going to pay for the rent and split it. Then one guy stood here and said the place was not big enough for all of them. I live in a college town. Before we moved in here, it was college students. I didn't need any extra phone or cable jacks... LOL

    The landlord stood here and said he was showing for when the lease is up. And it states clearly in our lease, that he can show during the last month of our lease. Not sooner.

    I will not try to stop him if he is selling or anything like that, cause then he and I both will be following the contract.
    But when he says one thing and I call him on it. So he lies to us, then shows up with 7 people. I have a problem. He is violating what it clearly states in his contract to us.
    I will not allow someone to walk all over me.
  • Feb 18, 2007, 06:48 AM

    Originally Posted by totallycrazy
    I will not allow someone to walk all over me.

    Hello crazy:

    I agree. What do you want to do? Sue him? Beat him up? Change the locks? Block his entrance? Tell me. I'll help.


    PS> I hate landlords who do that. For starters, I would write him a letter. Send it CERTIFIED, RETURN Receipt REQUESTED. In your letter, tell him in no uncerterain terms, that he violated the lease, and you will not allow him to do it again.

    The more I think about this, the more I like my "change the locks" scenerio. Let him try to get in, rather than you try to keep him out.

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