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  • Nov 26, 2007, 05:17 AM
    I fall in love with my best friend he still considers me just dear friend can I chang
    I want to know if I can change the way he loves me , knowing that he always loves to talk with me
    Can this change?
    Can we become good couple?
    Thanks all...
  • Nov 26, 2007, 05:33 AM
    Andrea Yang

    Hello Mray,

    I am Andrea Yang, one of your adviser.
    I just want to say this, you better make your mind a broader one. Come and think of it. Maybe he/she just want to be your friend or whatsoever dear friend.

    Yes! You can change his feeling about you. Just do your best and let him feel that he is a special man for you and you can give your life just for him.

    Just think positive!

    If it will not work at all then you must accept the truth that you are both friends forver.
    How can you be a good couple someday if he just want you to be his dear friend?

    But, there is a possibility that he will going to change his feelings about you because the hint is he treated you as his dear friend. Right?

    Godbless to you Mray!

    Your adviser,
  • Nov 27, 2007, 12:37 AM
    Thank you Andrea very much...
  • Nov 27, 2007, 02:06 AM
    NO. You can make him realize how lucky he is to have you... but you cannot change how someone feels.
  • Dec 8, 2007, 04:17 AM
    You should never change to be someone else just to win someone's feelings. Because after all you're not being true to yourself. As hard as it may seem you have to realise that you've become friends with he/she because he/she like your personality and if you change it might seem really awkard.

    A great example of someone trying to change for the love of a best friend is the movie my best friend's wedding.

    Sure julia robberts tried everything to win back her best friend in the movie and it all because disatrious but fine in the end.

    You should tell him/her that you like him/her if they say no then you don't take it in so harsh because you'll always find another person.
  • Dec 8, 2007, 08:26 AM
    You cannot control the feelings of another, and even though you want more, he doesn't. The down side of talking about it is, he will know how you feel, but that may change the friendship. Risky either way.
  • Mar 25, 2009, 10:01 AM

    My best friends feelings changed for me and we have been together 8 months now.. But it took 8 years and you can't force him. If he's in love with you he has to realize it himself. If he doesn't then it's for the best. Its better to be best friends forever than risk having a relationship and breaking up sometimes! If you really love him you will not try to force him to love you. You will respect his decision to stay friends and want him to be happy. Even if it's not with you.

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