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  • Aug 29, 2015, 05:48 PM
    What to do if ears are severely clogged?
    I got sick a week ago and my ears are clogged badly. The doctor said there is just pressure in them. He prescribed me medicine for it and I have been taking it everyday, but my ears are still very clogged. I don't use ear drops because each time I use them they make my ears even worse. I have been using a heating pad but that's not working either. I'm scared to stick anything down my ears because I have ruptured my ear drums before. Is there anything I can do to make it go away faster? Please help. I'm scared I'm going to lose my hearing.
  • Aug 29, 2015, 06:20 PM
    What medication were you prescribed?
  • Aug 29, 2015, 06:57 PM
  • Aug 30, 2015, 05:02 AM
    That's an antibiotic, for bacterial infection. You may or may not have such an infection. You neglected to tell us what 'sick' means or whether or not you still are sick. If it's a bad cold or flue, it could be, and usually is, viral, not bacterial, and must run it's course. The doctor decided to be on the safe side, unless he knows something you forgot to tell us.

    For bad viral infections, you try various OTC drugs for congestion. A new type of decongestant is saline spray (for your nose). Your ears connect to the back of your throat and drain mucous that way, so you also have to DRINK tons of liquids, to make it runny - the runnier the better. The glue-like mucous means you need more water.

    Heating pads are good, but only if moist. Put a damp washcloth between your ear and the pad.

    If the course of amoxycillin is 10 days, finish it, and also try the cold drugstore remedies. Then see a ENT specialist if it's not gone, given that you burst your eardrums.
  • Aug 30, 2015, 07:45 AM
    I had sinusitis. He said there was a lot of pressure in both of my ears. I did try a heating pad but that did not work. I decided to put vapor rub on the outside of my ears and that helped a bit. Whenever I step into the shower as well it gets worse. I guess I'll have to wait it out but the feeling is really irritable.
  • Aug 30, 2015, 10:52 AM
    Sinus - any cavity, in this case, any one in your head. Itis - inflammation. Not really a meaningful diagnosis.
    As I said, you don't know if it's viral or bacterial infection.
    So you are taking antibiotics (a subject with a lot of controversy) which may or may not be useful.
    Given that most congestion is viral, I suggest that you do what I suggested, in addition to the antibiotic.
    It's more work and many people expect a doctor to provide a pill for everything, when there is no pill for a virus.
  • Aug 31, 2015, 10:36 AM
    Well I tried what you said and it didn't work unfortunately. I'm not sure what else to do. I have been drinking hot tea, using nasal spray and trying to get lots of rest. Would taking benadryl help? The feeling is just awful and I can't take it any longer.
  • Aug 31, 2015, 12:39 PM
    Benadryl won't help. However, Sudafed might.

    I get get sinus infections like this about twice a year. It can take a week or two after stopping the antibiotics before the pressure is gone and the hearing is back.
  • Aug 31, 2015, 04:43 PM
    Lovely! Well thank you for the advice.I hope it doesn't take that long. Well I was taking sudafed but my doctor actually told me it doesn't actually work unless you get the one behind the counter. He also said the same thing for mucinex.

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