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  • Jul 22, 2012, 09:28 AM
    Sick of same old answers about Chihuahua peeing
    I have a SEVEN year old chi. I have done ALL the things suggested in these forums... vets, crates, paper training, praise, taking him out 7 times a day, treats, praise, neutering, pee pads, everything.

    As I read some of these "answers" they even have an attitude toward people who post questions about chihuahua's like they are a bunch of dummies. I know dam well they aren't expert or know what the hill they are talking about! It's obvious they have never owned a chihuahua; and the superior tone is aggravating when people have a very real problem.

    I have tried SCOE 10 X. Doesn't work, forget the guarantee.

    I am convinced that chihuahua's simply have a problem with this. As a renter, I have lost $3,000 in deposits over the years. I am really and truly ready to give him away, as heartbreaking as it would be. He has peed on my $600 wool rug and that is the last straw.

    I love my dog - I would miss him terribly but I went over my apt. with a black light and he has sprayed my PB sofa, wool rugs, carpet, you name it.

    He is now in an elasticized belly band that he manages to wiggle out of when I'm not around. The next step is to simply lock him in my small bathroom while I'm gone and I will be doing that from today forward. I'm heartbroken over my wool rugs; but I'm more heartbroken over possibly having to give my dog away.

    If the belly band while I can see him, plus locking him in the bathroom when I can't, doesn't work, the next step is to give him away to a family with wood floors.

    But at 7yrs old, I am his world and I don't think I could sleep at night worrying about him.

    Heartsick and just plan sick of it. If I had known this, I never, ever would have gotten this dog.

    If anyone has another suggestion, I'm open to anything. Thanks.
  • Jul 22, 2012, 10:31 AM

    Originally Posted by msop View Post
    I have a SEVEN year old chi. I have done ALL the things suggested in these forums...vets, crates, paper training, praise, taking him out 7 times a day, treats, praise, neutering, pee pads, everything.

    As I read some of these "answers" they even have an attitude toward people who post questions about chihuahua's like they are a bunch of dummies. I know dam well they aren't expert or know what the hill they are talking about! It's obvious they have never owned a chihuahua; and the superior tone is aggravating when people have a very real problem.

    I have tried SCOE 10 X. Doesn't work, forget the guarantee.

    I am convinced that chihuahua's simply have a problem with this. As a renter, I have lost $3,000 in deposits over the years. I am really and truly ready to give him away, as heartbreaking as it would be. He has peed on my $600 wool rug and that is the last straw.

    I love my dog - I would miss him terribly but I went over my apt. with a black light and he has sprayed my PB sofa, wool rugs, carpet, you name it.

    He is now in an elasticized belly band that he manages to wiggle out of when I'm not around. The next step is to simply lock him in my small bathroom while I'm gone and I will be doing that from today forward. I'm heartbroken over my wool rugs; but I'm more heartbroken over possibly having to give my dog away.

    If the belly band while I can see him, plus locking him in the bathroom when I can't, doesn't work, the next step is to give him away to a family with wood floors.

    But at 7yrs old, I am his world and I don't think I could sleep at night worrying about him.

    Heartsick and just plan sick of it. If I had known this, I never, ever would have gotten this dog.

    If anyone has another suggestion, I'm open to anything. Thanks.

    I don't understand your attitude. Somehow telling people "I know dam well they aren't expert or know what the hill they are talking about! It's obvious they have never owned a chihuahua; and the superior tone is aggravating when people have a very real problem" does not cause anyone to jump at the chance to assist you.

    If we're all so stupid why are you asking us for advice?

    If he's crated or penned how is he getting to your rugs and furniture?

    And he's spraying? I truly didn't know that dogs spray - of course, I'm not an expert here.

    I haven't seen anybody recommending paper training and/or pee pads. I thought it was just the opposite.

    I'm sure, because you understand the breed, you realize that a Vet needs to make sure there's no problem, you need to remove the scent from everything, he might just be a slow learner or downright stupid.
  • Jul 22, 2012, 11:11 AM
    I actually skipped this question because of the attitude also. But I'll address it and completely agree with JKT about making certain that there is not a medical issue and then concentrate on the behavior.
    Not sure if you are talking about this forum, but none of the regulars here would suggest using pee pads or paper, you're just encouraging him to pee inside.
    Once you have ruled out the medical side of things, you will need to start from scratch just as if he were 8 weeks old again.
  • Jul 22, 2012, 11:18 AM
    I think you might have to seriously consider placing your pet in a loving home with a backyard, so that he can spend more time outside (if you can not get to the bottom of his problem). I am also a pet owner so I know this is difficult to even contemplate. I hope you can figure out what is happening, and get it resolved.
  • Jul 22, 2012, 11:49 AM
    Chihuahuas do not simply have a problem with this. My mother had two and I know countless Chihuahuas who are clients at our clinic - I don't think I know any who have really had problems, and those who do are either not fixed and are marking, or are bored. People think that Chihuahuas don't need the same kind of mental stimulation that other dogs require.

    Can you explain your exact training method? Do you use pee pads? How often does he go out? Do you walk him? Go out with him? Or just put him in the yard? What do you do when he urinates in the house?

    First, take him to the vet. It doesn't matter how healthy he LOOKS, there is absolutely no point in trying to train him if there is some medical problem behind it. Get the vet to run urine AND bloodwork. Rule out an infection, kidney disease, anything else that may be causing it.
    Assuming that is clear...
    I think he has been doing it long enough that it has become a habit. You need to start over again. Get rid of pee pads - they are a bad idea in general. Take him out every few hours. Praise when he goes out, ignore when he goes inside but take him out immediately after. Take him for three WALKS a day. Walks - IE go out for at least 10-20 minutes.
    CRATE HIM when you aren't there. If you can't trust him at night, CRATE HIM at night. Find a crate that is just big enough for him to stand up and turn around.

    But if you've tried that, I'd like to know exactly what you have tried, in detail.
  • Jul 22, 2012, 04:19 PM
    I agree with everyone that has already answered you.

    I don't understand why you are bashing us if the advise we are giving others isn't working for you.

    I'll repeat everyone else... get aggressive with a vet treatment or check up. Anything that is wrong in the urinary system, starting with the kidneys, can cause a dog to want to urinate constantly.

    At 7 years of age, he is who he is. The training will help, but I think you have created a monster that you don't like. I find it petty that you are going to get rid of a dog due to the fact you failed at house training him. What do you honestly think someone else is going to do? No one can wave a wand and your dog be magically house trained. This is your dog, you created him, you trained him.. this is your burdon to bare. I'm sorry about your $600 rugs.. I know if I had a dog with house training problems, I probably wouldn't purchase a $600 rug. Plus.. dry cleaners and professional carpet cleaners work magic on carpets.

    It really ticks me off when people such as yourself, come on here crying and whining about getting rid of the dog because its making mistakes. No dog is untrainable. They can all be trained to be functional members of the family. I don't think this is the dogs fault at all, I think this is your fault. You're not providing something or paying close enough attention to your dog, thus creating this problem.

    I don't understand how crating the dog isn't working? It needs to be done longer than just a month. It may take him a year or maybe two before he understands he is not allowed to pee in the house. That takes A LOT of dedicaton from you to make sure that he sticks to that schedule.

    Anytime a dog fails, its because the human set it up to fail. Rare is a dog just bad. Even the dumbest dog will learn to go outside.. may take awhile, but they do learn.

    I think you need to take a step back and reassess how you treat this dog. Locking him up in a bathroom will only make him pee in the bathroom and than the other rooms. Once you've created a safe envirnment for him to pee in the bathroom, you'll be even more mad and upset that he is peeing in the bathroom now.

    Put him in his crate and that's it. There are no fancy training tools, commands or dances that will make your dog be house trained. Find a method that works, such as a crate, and use it from now and until the end of time.

    And honestly.. what type of damage can a small chihuahua honestly do to furniture.. Would it be annoying? Yes.. Damaged to the point of throwing out? I doubt it.. Just keep in stock many bottles of nature's miracle.
  • Jul 28, 2012, 07:46 PM
    Keep him on a 6 foot leash while in the house, that leash is attached to you, you will have better control of his little actions. You will need to pay attention to him and as soon as he gives you even the slightest indication that he is about to lift his leg, you distract him. Praise him for listening to you. This is time consuming, but well worth it. It works. Took my guy about 1 week to learn that. No problems since. Always in the crate when you leave though. Hope this helps.
  • Aug 3, 2013, 02:16 PM
    Not saying I am an expert here but I have had lots of little dogs over the years. It's not a dumb issue, it's a stubborn little dog issue. First things first you need a crate! Consistancy is a must. When you aren't home in the crate he goes, when your sleeping the same thing. When you have him loose in the house I agree putting him on a lease is a great idea keep him with you all the time. Put the crate where he pees the most dogs and I don't care about the size or breed do not want to be around their own waste. Keep at it. He has bad habits now, and there is no quick fix. Time, consistancy and a crate will be your best tools to win this fight.

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