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  • Nov 25, 2019, 02:31 AM
    cannot remember book title
    I cannot remember the name of the book, but the first few lines I remember. It was a chldren's book that I read so many times to my son that I had it memorized long before the book disappeared. I think the title of the book is: Whoa Joey Basically it is a poem about a young kangaroo who was a very good jumper but had bad aim and had to practice very hard to get things right. My son spent most of his life in a hospital and died at 17. I remember this as his favorite book and it brought him comfort and joy. I had to read it continually at least a couple of times a day for years, it came as a small, thin paperback book I am guessing in a packet of books, he died about 30 years ago.

    The first few lines of the books were as I remember:

    When Joey Kangaroo was small he could barely leap at all. But then he learned to leap and spring and he could jump most anything. He jumped higher that a kite, but he never aimed quite right. And though he was a jumping star, Joey always jumped too far. Whoa Joey, Whoa Joey, Whoa Joey, Whoa said all of his friend as they saw him go .....

    I would just like to read it one more time as a pleasant memory, not have to spend $25 for as 25 cent book. Does anyone know the rest of the poem?
  • Nov 25, 2019, 10:13 AM
    Whoa, Joey! /Daphne Hogstrom; Charles Bracke
    1968 English Book : Fiction : Juvenile audience [31] pages : color illustrations ; 16 cm.
    Racine, Wis. : Western Pub. Co.
    Check it out from an area library.
  • Nov 25, 2019, 10:19 AM
    Sorry the print is so small. I copied part of the online OCLC (worldwide library database) record.

    Go to an area library (first call to make sure they own it). If it's not available locally, ask your home library to get it through interlibrary loan (ILL).

    I just checked owning libraries. There aren't many so an ILL is probably what you will have to request.

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