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  • Oct 24, 2017, 06:53 PM
    Medical Bills/Handicapped
    Hello. I'm 50 years old, completly broke, unemployed, permanently partially handicapped, no insurance. I desperately need money. Unable to do any manual labor. I need $2000 by Thursday Oct. 26, 2015. I have got bills pilling up, and DR's appointment, an prescriptions to get. I'm at wits end. I'm nothing but a burden on my family. I'm ready to end this crap. I can't take it anymore. ** Email and request for money deleted by moderator...
  • Oct 24, 2017, 07:14 PM
    So what country do you live, If they US you go to social services, get on Medicaid, which will pay for all of your medical and drug bills, You sign up for food stamps, for assistance with Utilities and so on.
  • Oct 24, 2017, 07:48 PM
    And if Permanently Partially Disabled you could be getting SSI.
  • Oct 25, 2017, 04:04 AM
    You should qualify for Medicaid in your state or county. What state?
  • Oct 25, 2017, 06:13 AM
    It is very difficult these days to get SSI or SSDI without an obvious condition for being unable to work.
    Countless people fall in a grey area of 'disability.' Some are scammers, so SS now tends to deny most claims at first, and that means paying a lawyer, but only the scammers have enough money to pay a lawyer.

    This is NOT the way to raise money! For all anyone knows, you are 3 teenagers in some far away country, and that's not even your picture, and so on.
    YOU RAISE MONEY using GoFundMe. You send it out to people you KNOW!
    Why is a total stranger going to send you money, even if they believe your story? We all have people much closer to us who need it more.
  • Oct 26, 2017, 05:39 AM
    Hello. This is my real picture. I'm in North Carolina. And yes, it's extremely hard to get disability benefits.
    I fall in all the grey areas. Turned down twice. I don't have insurance so they won't give me a true diagnosis.(PPMS).
    I can't afford a lawyer. The doctor has there is no way I can work. I'm screwed. I'm not trying to scam anyone. I don't want my family and friends to know how bad my financial situation is.
  • Oct 26, 2017, 09:43 AM
    Well you need to talk to family first, if you should be talking to anyone, it should be them, they might be willing and able to help...short term at least.... though your friends really are a different thing.

    As far as medical bills, they can't get blood out of a turnip...and they treat illegals for free.....and can't turn away people with emergencies who are broke, save your limited funds for rent and what you need to feed and house yourself. Consider moving in with family or taking on roomates / boarders if you own your property to offset some of your bills.
  • Oct 26, 2017, 10:20 AM
    I already live with my father. And I am completely broke.
  • Oct 26, 2017, 10:54 AM
    Please clarify your failed efforts at social services, specifically Medicaid, and SSD. It typically takes two years after being refused SSD to be accepted. Lawyers TYPICALLY do this for future reimbursement after settlements.

    It looks like you are caught in the middle of a rather lengthy process, and are having trouble navigating the system so let me ask if you have your doctors written diagnosis you submitted to your local social services agency, again typically your COUNTY Welfare department, or Medicaid office? Have you appealed any written notification of rejection of benefits by MEDICAID?

    Any immediate concerns must be addressed at the emergency room.
  • Oct 26, 2017, 10:54 AM

    Originally Posted by JohnBoy67 View Post
    I already live with my father. And I am completely broke.

    Have you talked with a social worker about all this?
  • Oct 26, 2017, 11:18 AM
    They want further testing for a true diagnosis.
  • Oct 26, 2017, 12:14 PM
    Obviously you have no case worker, why not?
  • Oct 26, 2017, 12:45 PM
    I have talked to a case worker. What it boils down to is I'm a single white male, no dependents.
    I'm 50 years old, have worked my off since I was 8. Paid my taxes from 15 up until last year when I started having problems.
    I'm not a drug user, crack head, or alcoholic. Oh did I mention, I'm a SINGLE WHITE MALE WITH NO DEPENDENTS? Now, had I walked in
    There a crack head drug user, with 3 or 4 kids they would have piled the money and EBT on me. I posted on here trying to ask for help. Not to hear what I already know.

    I thought that's what this site was. Pardon the hell out of me.
  • Oct 26, 2017, 03:24 PM
    You didn’t come here asking for advice (that’s what this site is for), you came here soliciting donations. The internet is chock full of people scamming people out of their money, thus this site does not support solicitation.

    You received some very good advice, that’s what this site is for.
  • Oct 26, 2017, 04:33 PM

    Originally Posted by JohnBoy67 View Post
    I have talked to a case worker. What it boils down to is I'm a single white male, no dependents.
    I'm 50 years old, have worked my off since I was 8. Paid my taxes from 15 up until last year when I started having problems.
    I'm not a drug user, crack head, or alcoholic. Oh did I mention, I'm a SINGLE WHITE MALE WITH NO DEPENDENTS? Now, had I walked in
    There a crack head drug user, with 3 or 4 kids they would have piled the money and EBT on me. I posted on here trying to ask for help. Not to hear what I already know.

    I thought that's what this site was. Pardon the hell out of me.

    So why has your case worker not referred you to the proper doctor for the proper diagnosis? Has nothing to do with your race. You want help, at least do your part and supply the requested information. Going through the screening process in your county, as outlined in the link I provided, is all part of that process, be you a crackhead, or a white man.

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