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  • Aug 24, 2007, 12:14 AM
    How can I be a better person?
    I have a problem with talking to guys.
    And girls actually.
    I have problems talking to anyone.
    I mean, I can talk easily to guys that I don't find attractive, or people that are kind of social outcasts because I don't think that they are judging me on my appearance or anything like that.
    But I can't talk to guys that I find attractive because the whole time I am I think, "GAH. Theyre probably thinking, 'Why the hell is this ugly chick talking to ME?!' "
    Actually, the last two guys I talked freely to (because I didn't find them attractive) ended up having a crush on me.
    Which makes me think that maybe if I had the confidence to talk to the other guys like that, maybe they would like me too.

    I also have a problem making friends because I tend to shy away from people so I don't have to converse with them.
    Mainly because I'm deathly afraid of people thinking I'm boring.
    I mean, me and my friends have been called boring before because we didn't know what to talk about to that person.
    But I just never know how to be interesting and I would really like to get some help on that topic.
    Ive researched it on the internet and tried to find somewhere to help me, but I'm just too insecure to have the confidence to carry on a converasation.

    What should I do??
  • Aug 24, 2007, 01:21 AM
    I would suggest asking questions to people whom you might like to get to know. It's okay to do that. A lot of people think that it's not okay. You will be interesting by the fact that you appear to be interested. If you ask people questions about themselves, you just might find a common interest about which you could converse.

    Being socially active and participating in it just takes practice. You never know until you try. If you take the risks of asking people questions, you will always get those people who wonder why you are asking and think that you should mind your own business. They will be in the minority, though. But, in the end, it is better to take the risk, if you want to have friends.
  • Aug 25, 2007, 01:58 PM
    If you think you are not interesting in conversation, find out what they like. If you like the same subject there you go. And try to get involved in some club activities at school. Preferably one that will require you to make speeches. This will be difficult at first, but by the end of the year, you will have blossomed into a talking machine. And you will not be so self conscious. And yourself esteem will grow. So go and make the change you desire.

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