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  • Dec 24, 2008, 03:02 PM
    08 nobody
    Has anyone lost love and ragained it
    My girlfriend of 6yrs dumped me.. we been broke up for two months.. she got a dude they say it's a rebound relationship... will I get her back
  • Dec 24, 2008, 03:07 PM

    How old are you, and why did you break up??
  • Dec 24, 2008, 03:08 PM

    You have to get out of the mind set of wanting her back.
    If you sit on the back burner waiting for your time you will never live

    Or move on.

    Forget about her she has moved on. And so should you.
  • Dec 24, 2008, 03:29 PM
    a la king

    You can regain it. I did.. but lost it again years and years later. It was worse losing it the second time.

    Food for thought, I guess.
  • Dec 24, 2008, 03:30 PM
    a la king
    Also, I didn't ever expect her to come back. I was super sad-- but lived my life and did as much for myself as possible. I recommend you do the same and not to wait-- like others have mentioned.
  • Dec 24, 2008, 04:02 PM

    Originally Posted by 08 nobody View Post
    my girlfriend of 6yrs dumped me..we been broke up for two months..she got a dude they say it's a rebound relationship...will i get her back

    Hey.. I agree with the other 2 posts. Don't wait for her you'll only get hurt more if she don't come back, if u love her let her go if she was meant to be yours she'll come back to u.
  • Dec 24, 2008, 04:17 PM

    No one can predict the future but I know people who have gone back after break-ups. They usually break up again and again and often so much damage has been done to the relationship that it is beyond repair.When the foundation has crumbled so much sometimes there is nothing left to hold you up.

    Personally ,I wait to be sure what I want and once I close that door it stays closed.

    It depends on what kind of person she is.If she sticks to her decisions and moves on or is she flighty and can't make up her mind.

    A little more info would help but if she is seeing someone else I would not place too much hope on a reconciliation.

    Rebound or not it means she is in another place with another person.

    Perhaps it is time for you to give up and begin the healing process.

    Best of luck!
  • Dec 24, 2008, 05:01 PM
    08 nobody

    Well.. we have a 4yr child.. when I moved out she started acting like I was a bad guy she really don't let me see my child... she always letting me know she has someone I never say anything... I begged all the firt month.. now I just talk to our child... so you think she'll come around
  • Dec 24, 2008, 05:25 PM

    You have a right to see your child.By law ,unless you have had your parental rights taken away.I would petition family court for visitation.

    When there are kids involved you must put your differences aside on concentrate on the one thing you can hopefully agree on,the health and well being of your child.

    I can't predict what she will do ,I know less than you do but one thing I can say is that unless she has reason to believe you are a danger to your child she is being very selfish and immature by keeping your child from you.

    It sounds like she has moved on so I would not hold out much hope but like I said I know nothing here about the history or what she is feeling...

    I suggest the one thing you do concentrate on is making sure you have your rights as a father.

    Best wishes and try to enjoy the holiday as much as you can during this difficult time.. Michele

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