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  • Nov 1, 2007, 04:34 AM
    Bad dreams lead to a bad relationship?
    Hey lately I have had 4 bad dreams about me and my boyfriend and all have been about betrayal .(him cheating or doing something behind my back) I have talked to him about it cause it puts me in a bad mood and he gets upset because he feels as if I believe my dreams are true I asked him if he's doing something behind my back he seds no but then whyy am I having these dreams they won't stop their making me feel so different when I'm around him cause they seem so real and I no dreams are just dreams but I don't understand. What can this mean? Could he b up 2 something or am I letting my dreams take the best of me?
  • Nov 1, 2007, 04:47 AM
    There are many possibilities and I will lay them out to you.

    1) Maybe your hidden fears about betrayel are coming out in your dreams, that is the only time they can be processed.

    2) Dreams can be just dreams or some dreams can be a forwarning of what is to come.

    3) These dreams mean nothing and your making a mountain out of a mole hill.

    Now my suggestion to you is, it is good that you were honest enough to share your dreams but to become obsessed over dreams will eventually kill the spirit in your relationship and you will only push your boyfriend away because he will always feel that you do not trust him.

    Is there anything in your relationship that suggest he is cheating on you? If there is not, you need to find out why you are carrying around this fear but if you continue to question him it will only hurt the relationship unless you have actuall suspicions that he is cheating on you.

    What about past relationships? Had any bad experiances, or have you ever cheated on somebody else? This is a very legit question because if you ever have the fear or guilt of this could be coming out in your concience in a different way.

    Only you can figure out exactly what the dreams mean and or if they mean anything at all.
  • Nov 1, 2007, 06:21 AM

    Originally Posted by AbBy23
    Hey lately I have had 4 bad dreams about me and my boyfriend and all have been about betrayal .(him cheating or doing something behind my back) I have talked to him about it cause it puts me in a bad mood and he gets upset because he feels as if I believe my dreams are true I asked him if hes doing something behind my back he seds no but then whyy am I having these dreams they won't stop their makin me feel so different when I'm around him cause they seem so real and I no dreams are just dreams but I don't understand. What can this mean? Could he b up 2 something or am I letting my dreams take the best of me??

    I don't know him, I mean he could be fueling your obsession. But it sounds like you're just letting dreams become paranoia. If he hasn't given you any reason, you have to realize that they are dreams not reality. It's as simple as that.
  • Nov 1, 2007, 06:28 AM

    Originally Posted by AbBy23
    Hey lately I have had 4 bad dreams about me and my boyfriend and all have been about betrayal .(him cheating or doing something behind my back) I have talked to him about it cause it puts me in a bad mood and he gets upset because he feels as if I believe my dreams are true I asked him if hes doing something behind my back he seds no but then whyy am I having these dreams they won't stop their makin me feel so different when I'm around him cause they seem so real and I no dreams are just dreams but I don't understand. What can this mean? Could he b up 2 something or am I letting my dreams take the best of me??

    Look you obviously have a good relationship with him and it would be a real shame to let these dreams ruin that. You're not stupid, you know dreams are dreams, but maybe if they bother you then your boyfriend isn't the best person to talk to about them. Tell a friend or someone. These dreams don't tell you what your boyfriend is up to at all. I have dreams about being chased by myra hindley but that doesn't mean it has happened or is going to happen.
    Do you have a real fear he is up to something? If so, then ask friends what they think, it sounds drastic but do a bit of investigating. If he's acting the same found you as he always has then chances are you're letting your imagination get the better of you.
    Don't let the dreams destroy the relationship, they mean nothing xxx
  • Nov 1, 2007, 07:11 AM
    Thank u so much guys really means a lot and makes me feel better I'm just afraid of being betrayed and yes in the past had that problem... sucks but let hope these dreams stop thanks again
  • Mar 14, 2012, 12:56 AM
    I have dreams that make me feel bad I really love the one I'm with, but at the same time I feel she doesn't love me the way I do.

    You should talk to him. I some times feel the same way that's what I did. It solved my problems.


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