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  • Sep 15, 2013, 02:51 AM
    I have dreams that someone is trying or wants to kill me !
    I would like to know what's does this mean I have these dreams a few times out the month maybe a little more n sometimes a little less but I wake up and I would be scared to move around get out of bed do anything I then become so paranoid that I feel I shouldn't walk around the house alone. I also feel that the smallest thing may scare me a shadows, a creek n the floor little noises, anything from the time I wake up from the dream scares me till the point that I feel that I may hurt someone or something without intention just the fact that I am scared then something scares me just make it so terrifying!! I really hate wakin up feeling this way I would really like to know what the problem is !
  • Sep 15, 2013, 03:02 AM
    Most of us have nightmares like this sometimes, but if you are afraid that you might hurt someone, that is unusual. So tell us what is going on in your life these days, or if there is anything years ago that was traumatic - a death of someone close to you, perhaps.

    Also, there are ways to help make your sleep more pleasant. Don't eat 3 hours before going to sleep, and stay away from soft drinks and caffeine. Don't play computer games with violence in them, or watch violence on TV, during those 3 hours either. If you have a radio, play some soft music at very low volume to fall asleep to.
  • Sep 15, 2013, 06:51 AM
    When you first wake up and lay there are you fully awake and able to get up but don't want to? Once you are up do you feel like there is an actual presence around you? Do you have times where you feel you are asleep yet awake?

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