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  • Sep 18, 2012, 06:27 AM
    I've completed AB in Political Science, can regard myself as a political philosopher
    I have completed a four year degree AB in Political Science, with that can regard myself as a political philosopher?
    I have long been interested with the state, the best form it, its functions and parts, and its relations which led me to take up the course of Political Science and with academic tolerance and studies I have completed it and in the process of and after I have published numerous pieces concerning ethics, and political philosophy not to mention that political philosophy amounts great in my course so with that can I regard myself a political philosopher? As another name of entitling myself political scientist.
  • Sep 18, 2012, 07:09 AM
    Titles are meaningless unless conferred on you by others.
    If you get a PhD, you will have more right to call yourself a philosopher, ethicist, or political scientist, as you wish.
  • Sep 18, 2012, 07:22 AM
    No, your degree merely makes you dangerous ( college degree/title humor) A person with just their beginning or first degree really gets to make no claims. You have no experience under belt, Perhaps with 5 years experience and a Masters Degree. But no at this poing you are just starting to learn in real life now

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