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  • May 8, 2016, 11:00 AM
    Child abandonment
    I need to know which counties in Georgia recognize child abandonment? I left my wife over 2 years ago. I've been paying her for my daughter since then. Now my finances have changed. Since then we both have move to other counties. She's telling me that if I don't pay her she's going to file abandonment charges on me. I've been told she had to file when I left the house and it had to be in that county. Please help me resolving this issue.
  • May 8, 2016, 01:01 PM
    Is there court ordered support ? Also why arent you working ?
  • May 8, 2016, 01:19 PM
    Divorce & Abandonment Laws in Georgia | LegalZoom: Legal Info
  • May 8, 2016, 03:47 PM
    It is state law in GA that if you don't support your children you can be criminally charged for child abandonment.

    You don't say if there are any court orders for child support. That can affect where she has to file. If there are no current court orders, she can file wherever the child resides.

    Your current residence doesn't really matter. If you need to adjust a court order, then go back to the court that issued the order.
  • May 8, 2016, 04:47 PM

    I need to know which counties in Georgia recognize child abandonment? I left my wife over 2 years ago. I've been paying her for my daughter since then. Now my finances have changed. Since then we both have move to other counties. She's telling me that if I don't pay her she's going to file abandonment charges on me. I've been told she had to file when I left the house and it had to be in that county. Please help me resolving this issue.
    This is not a legal opinion, I just have to ask this. So your finances have changed, so who's going to take care of your child? What if your wife's finances have changed? Seems like she doesn't have that option, since she has to care for the child you made together, feed her, clothe her, educate her, provide medical care, and so on and so on.

    What makes you think that since your finances have changed, you're no longer responsible to help care for the child you made! You think it's as easy as that? Oh, I don't have the money, so I guess that means my child won't eat, or have clothing, or a roof over her head. I bet you have the money to feed yourself, pay for internet, pay for new clothes, have a home.

    Hopefully your wife's financial situation doesn't change, otherwise your daughter is screwed. But you see, your wife has no choice, she has to make sure your daughter is cared for, so with or without your help, she does it. You have that choice too, and it shouldn't be an option whether you pay, because your child has no options, she relies on her parents, and you're one of those parents!

    Buck up and take care of the child you created! Be a man!
  • May 8, 2016, 06:22 PM

    Originally Posted by Alty View Post
    This is not a legal opinion, I just have to ask this. So your finances have changed, so who's going to take care of your child? What if your wife's finances have changed? Seems like she doesn't have that option, since she has to care for the child you made together, feed her, clothe her, educate her, provide medical care, and so on and so on.

    What makes you think that since your finances have changed, you're no longer responsible to help care for the child you made! You think it's as easy as that? Oh, I don't have the money, so I guess that means my child won't eat, or have clothing, or a roof over her head. I bet you have the money to feed yourself, pay for internet, pay for new clothes, have a home.

    Hopefully your wife's financial situation doesn't change, otherwise your daughter is screwed. But you see, your wife has no choice, she has to make sure your daughter is cared for, so with or without your help, she does it. You have that choice too, and it shouldn't be an option whether you pay, because your child has no options, she relies on her parents, and you're one of those parents!

    Buck up and take care of the child you created! Be a man!

    X2 for sure
  • May 8, 2016, 09:18 PM
    What she said!


    Originally Posted by Alty View Post
    This is not a legal opinion, I just have to ask this. So your finances have changed, so who's going to take care of your child? What if your wife's finances have changed? Seems like she doesn't have that option, since she has to care for the child you made together, feed her, clothe her, educate her, provide medical care, and so on and so on.

    What makes you think that since your finances have changed, you're no longer responsible to help care for the child you made! You think it's as easy as that? Oh, I don't have the money, so I guess that means my child won't eat, or have clothing, or a roof over her head. I bet you have the money to feed yourself, pay for internet, pay for new clothes, have a home.

    Hopefully your wife's financial situation doesn't change, otherwise your daughter is screwed. But you see, your wife has no choice, she has to make sure your daughter is cared for, so with or without your help, she does it. You have that choice too, and it shouldn't be an option whether you pay, because your child has no options, she relies on her parents, and you're one of those parents!

    Buck up and take care of the child you created! Be a man!

  • May 9, 2016, 04:03 AM
    Lets go a little easy here. We don't know the full story until the OP explains. I don't get a sure feeling that the OP is trying to get out of paying support entirely. So far all I am sure of is that he wants to know the legal process.

    Clearly, he should not be looking to dodge his obligations to his daughter, and GA state law deals more harshly than other states with respect to that. But we shouldn't assume he's looking to stop support.
  • May 9, 2016, 08:12 AM
    In Georgia, if your income has changed, you file in court, to modify your child support payments.

    It will not change anything due, prior to you filing, so the sooner you file, the sooner you can lower payments. (if you qualify)

    Ga looks at your earnings, x wife earnings, how many days a year you have child during your visitation. (when you really have child) and how many days x wife has child.

    Then a payment is figured.

    If you do not pay, yes GA will lock you in jail for non payment.
    and/or garnish your wages.

    So you need to take care of it.

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