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  • May 13, 2012, 11:56 AM
    Should I give him a chance ?
    There's this guy he has liked me for 5 months now but I don't like him back and I don't think I will ever grow feelings for him he really does love me he has asked me out two times and I have said no because I don't like him only as a friend and he has cried for me and I have cried because I feel very bad knowing he is crying for me and he said he will never give up on me that he will someday make me his girlfriend he is really sweet and nice he said he will treat me like his princess . I want to grow feelings for him but I just can't I don't know what to do should I give him a chance ?
  • May 13, 2012, 12:05 PM
    You haven't dated him but he loves you? Have the two of you been close friends?

    Do not go out with him if you aren't interested. It would only give him false hope. If you are friends, simply tell him that you like him as a friend, but that you don't think of him as anything more than that.

    If it bothers you that he keeps going on about wanting to make you his girlfriend, tell him to stop. If he continues, you may need to end the friendship.
  • May 13, 2012, 12:14 PM
    No we have never dated and that's exactly what I told him " that I like him as a friend and I don't think of him anything more than that " but he doesn't understand he still keeps on going that he likes me.
  • May 13, 2012, 12:20 PM
    If he isn't getting the message, you may need to be even more direct. "I like you as a friend, and all of this talk about making me your girlfriend has to stop. I am flattered, but it is starting to be too much and it is making me uncomfortable and I don't want it to ruin our friendship".

    If you are close friends, then simply tell him to knock it off already, that it's getting old!

    Again, if he continues, and it bothers you... start to spend less time around him and more with other friends. If he asks why you are avoiding him, tell him the truth.
  • May 13, 2012, 07:43 PM
    It would be cruel to let him carry on knowing you have no feelings for him. I think you have to not only be more stern in your rejections, but also tell him he will ruin any friendship too, if he keeps pressing you for dates.

    Sorry, but you cannot allow him to keep thinking he has ANY chance, or he keeps asking.

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