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  • Feb 1, 2008, 06:05 PM
    Dating but not?
    I'm 17 and I've been dating this guy for around 6 months he's not my boyfriend or anything but we do have sex and were aloud to date other people although I don't date anybody because I really like him... but he dates other girls... and when we hang out we have a lot of fun together and I feel a connection but I get mixed signals with him.. oh you did I for get to mention he's 28... well anyway I don't know what to do.. im scared if I tell him I don't want him dating other girls that he is going to stop talking to me.. what should I do?? :(
  • Feb 1, 2008, 06:07 PM
    Drop him like a hot potato. He's using you for sex, you are fresh meat to him. If you meant something to him, the two of you would be exclusive. He would not date anyone else.

    Oh, and I hope he is using condoms when you are having sex, you wouldn't want a STD.
  • Feb 1, 2008, 06:13 PM

    Originally Posted by chrissy32290
    im 17 and ive been dating this guy for around 6 months he's not my boyfriend or anything but we do have sex and were aloud to date other people although i don't date anybody because i really like him ...but he dates other girls... and when we hang out we have alot of fun together and i feel a connection but i jus get mixed signals with him..oh ya did i for get to mention he's 28 ...well anyways i don't know what to do scared if i tell him i don't want him dating other girls that he is going to stop talking to me ..what should i do???:(

    Get rid of him. He's a guy of 28 with a 17yr-old - hon, you are being used. You are his ego boost. I wish you younger girls would get the message that SEX IS FOR PEOPLE YOU CARE ABOUT and not for people you share a few minutes of your life with. You are young, you are probably beautiful - stop undervaluing yourself.
  • Feb 1, 2008, 06:19 PM
    Isn't that... illegal?
  • Feb 1, 2008, 06:22 PM

    Originally Posted by ISneezeFunny
    isn't that...illegal?

    Unfortunately in New Jersey the age of consent is 16, so it's not illegal. I sure wish it were, cause this guy is just playing with her. I really hope he doesn't give her a STD (as I sit here studying HIV/AIDS for my exam on Monday).
  • Feb 1, 2008, 06:30 PM
    If you don't make him commit or at least attempt to, he's never going to. I answered almost this exact question just minutes ago and I'll tell you the same thing. Why would he change anything if he is in the PERFECT relationship right now... he doesn't have to commit to you and only you, yet he is still getting all the perks. He's made it quite apparent he's not wanting a solid relationship. You are young.. don't tie yourself up with this jerk. There are some pretty amazing people out there waiting for someone like yourself. But these people actually want to be with YOU!! Don't commit to someone who isn't willing to commit to you.

    <3 Leslie
  • Feb 1, 2008, 08:18 PM
    Homegirl 50

    Originally Posted by chrissy32290
    im 17 and Ive been dating this guy for around 6 months he's not my boyfriend or anything but we do have sex and were aloud to date other people although i don't date anybody because i really like him ...but he dates other girls... and when we hang out we have a lot of fun together and i feel a connection but i just get mixed signals with him..oh ya did i for get to mention he's 28 ...well anyways i don't know what to do scared if i tell him i don't want him dating other girls that he is going to stop talking to me ..what should i do???:(

    Don't ever have sex with some one who does not want to date you and tells you he wants to date other people. You are nothing more than a booty call.
    He is an older man getting some young tail. He has you suckered.
    Drop his butt like a hot potato. You are being USED.
  • Feb 2, 2008, 05:49 AM
    Hmmmm, sounds like he is getting the milk from the cow for free here. Don't you see he only wants you for the sex?? DUMP HIM!
  • Feb 4, 2008, 04:37 AM
    Yes yes yes!. as all are saying dump him!. he's just using you.. if he wasn't , why would he have sex with you and the next day date another women?. I bet he having sex with them also... you never know.. if you don't wannt to dump thm.. than talk this over..!
    And stop having sex with him!. even if u do use Comdom!. just STOP HAVING SEX WITH HIM!

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