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  • Jun 10, 2007, 10:18 PM
    Psychic abilities
    I am just wondering if I have a bit of psychic abilities:
    I have dreams that come true like I had a dream that my cousin would be having a baby and 2 days later someone told me that the person I dreamed about was pregnant and this happened 3 times with 3 different people.
    I had a dream that my sister had headlice and the next morning she had headlice.
  • Jun 13, 2007, 11:30 AM
    I have these same things
    I dreamt of a shooting and the next day I saw it on the news
    I dreamt about one of my boyfriends 6 months before I met him
    And I just have other dreams about smaller things
  • Oct 4, 2012, 02:36 AM
    I've had lots of dreams like that since I was young as well.

    As a child, I was discouraged from sharing these things because I came from a very sheltered, religious family. I only just recently was brave enough to learn more about this gift because I no longer live near them. Luckily, I now have encouragement from my husband and some friends.

    In my opinion, it sounds like you have these abilities as well and all I can say is that I hope you have a good support system from your family and friends! :)
  • Oct 6, 2012, 11:31 AM
    Sheltered religious family? Why were they sheltered? Because they believe different than you?
  • Oct 6, 2012, 10:41 PM
    @hauntinghelper - I hope I am just misreading your intent of writing this message. It is rather hard to know the intent of someone over the internet. However, I am fairly certain you lost the point of my message. If you really want to know what I meant by “religious sheltered family” I will gladly tell you... Although I thought “sheltered” was an understood term for a life unaware of world events, other religions, and social problems, to the point of negatively affecting the way you are, how you communicate, and how you are around peers.

    However, if you were asking for more insight into my definition, here are some details:
    If you believed differently (family, friends, or strangers), my family was not even remotely understanding and you were instantly labeled as, "influenced by the devil." So please, if your point was to make me appear as the intolerable one, you have those facts reversed lol. There is a huge difference between believing in something, and imposing it on others. I am very receptive of other people's beliefs, but my family… not so much.

    Growing up, me and my siblings off from knowing a vast amount of things. I knew nothing about sex or about puberty (yes, I had to just figure out why the heck I was bleeding down there every month, totally by myself), because they believed talking about your body in that way was "sinful." So socially, yes I was sheltered because I knew nothing about anything in the world, right down to the changes in my own body.

    I was sheltered in the sense that I was only taught one way, their way about every subject. I was not allowed a different opinion and if I thought otherwise "Satan was influencing" me. That wasn't a hard one for the rest of my family/our family friends to follow since most of them didn't question much of anything. My parents did not let us go to public schools because they might influence us, and higher education was not right for women to receive because it would make a woman "too independent." Our homeschooling included every subject, but every book we had said more about God than about the actual subject we were learning. The excuse was, “those subjects are not actually important, only God is important therefore you will only learn about God.” Jobs were out of the question unless it was babysitting for their friends. Anything other than women making babies and staying at home was deemed as evil. Again, if you somehow came up to a different conclusion, you were either punished or shut out from their lives so you didn't rub off on others in the family.

    They used the fact that us girls were not allowed to make money to control everything. As a 17 year old, I was not capable of buying myself a snow coat in the winter even though I didn't own one for the last 3 winters, yet my siblings all got brand new coats every year. …Why? They never questioned their beliefs and I did. That is when I decided to run away, moved out on my own and got a job. My siblings were not allowed to have any contact with me and were told that I was living in sin and didn't even want to see my siblings. So they lied to my siblings that I didn't want to see them, so they wouldn't want to see me. I went to college and every time it got remotely hard, I didn't get encouragement; my parents preached to me that “it is a sign that you are sinning” and said I should quit. They waited for every opportunity I would fail, to use me as their example of a sinner in their schooling.

    I saved money, but of course I was told, "You are storing up things on this earth, it's a sin to manage money." They live off my father's 100% disability paycheck and out of other people's pockets, and have lots of kids, because apparently that is the right way to live and if you do it any other way you are wrong. Now that I am done with college and getting a nice job, all the sudden I am worthy of having a relationship with… because they want my money. The money I ironically was not allowed to earn, with the education I was not allowed to have, with the money I was not allowed to manage or save.

    Now that you probably have a good mental picture of my family life, now imagine me never ever being told about or even hearing about the supernatural, ghosts or psychic things, yet experiencing all of those things. Instead of any form of concern or support, I was just told none of those things exist and that it was the devil tricking me. Also, I was told it wasn't even about me, it was Satan wanting to get to my dad, the head of the household, because even Satan could care less about tormenting a girl. It's a horrible feeling to go through these types of things alone; to go through life in that way, without any support or any knowledge about what it was that is going on. Not having that support from family or friends (who only had the same views as my family) made it more frightening to deal with than what it already was. I am not being intolerable of other people's views, or abusing the usage of the term, “sheltered religious family” because that is what they are.

    And again I say, perhaps now with more meaning to you: I hope this person has support from their family and friends, because it is a hard life not having that support.
  • Oct 7, 2012, 05:29 AM
    No, actually the explanation you gave was what I was wondering about. You're right, internet is tough when it comes to someone's attitude. Actually, this is a very interesting subject. Having been raised Christian (though I had to discover my beliefs on my own), I am always curious how different households accept paranormal and supernatural situations. Of course there are two ways a religious family could be "sheltered"... either ignorantly on their part or simply intolerant from the perspective of the one being ousted.

    I didn't mean to pry into personal family issues, I was just curious about the situation. I, for one, would like to apologize... their actions were not an accurate representation of Christianity, nor for Christ's love. These are unfortunate circumstances and you are definitely not alone in how you were raised.
  • Oct 7, 2012, 09:59 PM
    @hauntinghelper - Yes, I agree that a family could be sheltered ignorantly or intolerant of other perspectives, but I wonder if my family was both. Maybe they were so intolerant because they were ignorant, or vise versa? It's an interesting thought!

    No need to feel sorry for asking for a definition. I am sorry it was so long! It is totally fine that you asked me those questions since you seem genuinely curious. I just felt odd writing all that about myself on a post that isn't about me (original question from Phoenix25). I just didn't want to create a pity party about myself since my point was to show sympathy toward the other person.

    Thank you for your compassion and sympathy! It's good to be reminded that I am not the only one in the world who has ever gone through something like that. Also, thankfully my parent's actions have not made me hate God and I do realize my parent's actions were their own and does not represent Christians as a whole.
  • Nov 13, 2012, 08:55 AM
    Although sometimes dreams are just your imagination going wild, this definitely sounds like you have an "alternate connection". In a town near me, there's a man who helps people to develop their talents. You may wish to look for similar people near you who can help you to use your gift for good.

    Blessed be!
  • Apr 3, 2013, 12:36 PM
    Please tell me where I can find one of these people?
  • Apr 4, 2013, 04:27 AM

    Originally Posted by MSNINA33 View Post
    Please tell me where i can find one of these people?

    No... that's not the intent of this website.

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