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  • Jul 25, 2008, 02:34 PM
    Is yellow discharge normal?
    I've looked online and read on STDs that most have symptoms of yellow discharge. I've had unprotected sex before, and I am really terified. Is there any woman out there who have yellow discharge and has been tested for STDs? Is this normal and should I see a doctor?:confused:
  • Jul 25, 2008, 03:07 PM
    Yellow discharge is not normal. I've never been diagnosed with any STD's but you have to educate yourself whether you had unprotected sex to know what a healthy from an unhealthy discharge looks like. Your discharge should be a clear or a little cloudy not yellow. I suggest you contact your doctor asap as this could be something that could get worst.
  • Jul 26, 2008, 06:53 AM
    As the post above states... yellow discharge is not normal, clear or sometimes whitish.

    It does not necessarily mean, STD, it could mean slight infection... maybe thrush or similar,which is easily treated with a coarse of suppositories inserted into the Virginia before bed.

    Visit your doctor if you are concerned, where he can diagnose and treat you properly.

    Always have protected sex, it is the best way to protect yourself against any kind of sexual transmitted disease...
  • Jul 27, 2008, 12:15 PM
    Although it is not normal, it does not automatically mean an STD. But you need to get checked out by your doctor.

    I have "issues" with this. I was told years ago that I had an STD (Before they ran the test) and got looked at like I was dirt under the doctor's shoe. I FREAKED out because, well, no one wants an STD!
    When the test came back, it showed that I in fact DID NOT have an STD.
    I went years not knowing what was wrong until I found a doctor (after I was married and with the same man) who finally figured out what was wrong with me.

    I have/had bacterial vaginosis. It causes my Ph level to become unbalanced, hence the yellow discharge. There are certain things I can not do because it washed away "good" bacteria only to leave the bad.

    Hope this helps.
  • Jul 27, 2008, 03:26 PM
    Hi nowWhat,

    You poor thing that must have been awful for you, they had no right to assume you had std especially if you hadn't had the test yet.

    Even if you had STD it may not have been your fault, it could have been passed to you from your current partner at the time, you not knowing where he'd been... so to speak.

    Medical staff are suppose to be unbiased unfortunately sometimes they cannot cover up how they feel, very unprofessional.

    I'm so glad it was sorted out in the end though.

  • Jul 27, 2008, 09:03 PM

    Originally Posted by 0rphan
    Hi nowWhat,

    You poor thing that must have been awful for you, they had no right to assume you had std especially if you hadn't had the test yet.

    Even if you had STD it may not have been your fault, it could have been passed to you from your current partner at the time, you not knowing where he'd been to speak.

    Medical staff are suppose to be unbiased unfortunately sometimes they cannot cover up how they feel, very unprofessional.

    I'm so glad it was sorted out in the end though.


    Thanks! It was really a bad time. What made it REALLY bad was that I was not having sex at the time. It had been more than 3 months since my BF (at the time) and I had been together. Plus, we NEVER had unprotected sex - And we had been together (dating) for 3 years. So... Not knowing enough about an STD - I freaked out!

    I was young and pretty stupid back then!
  • Jul 27, 2008, 09:20 PM
    Well, I'm not sure if it's "abnormal"... as there are girls who actually have regular vaginal discharge that "turns" yellow. It's not that uncommon. Granted, if it just started to happen, then yes, something may be afoot.

    It could have been due to an std... hormonal imbalance... or you having an infection. Are you having any other symptoms such as pain, irritation, discomfort?

    I suggest you go get yourself checked out at a local clinic... not sure where you're located, but a lot of walk-in clinics (sometimes universities) will charge $30 or so to test you.
  • Oct 12, 2010, 03:19 PM
    I have that with no pain nothing just yellow discharge what should I do
  • Jun 15, 2011, 01:49 PM
    Hi I'm 11 years old and not started my periods yet but I've been having a yellow discharge to but it doesn't hurt or itch so I thought I was fine some days I do get a whitish colour 1 but mostly yellow I've been getting this for about 10 months now is that normal ?
  • Jun 19, 2011, 10:33 AM
    I'm having had the same problem right now.. I had sex for the first time two months ago without a condom now I'm terrified... I can't sleep or think or eat.. I have verrryy slightly yellow discharge with a smeel that is not horrible but it doesn't smell normal all the time.. sometimes it smells normal though.. and it itches a little... what should I do?
  • Aug 5, 2011, 02:42 AM

    hi I'm 11 years old and not started my periods yet but I've been having a yellow discharge to but it doesn't hurt or itch so I thought I was fine some days I do get a whitish colour 1 but mostly yellow I've been getting this for about 10 months now is that normal ?
    Natypops: Talk to your mom about this. The normal discharge is either clear (like egg whites) or white and kind of milky. If it's any different than this, you should get checked. It doesn't necessarily means that it is the worst. It could be just an infection and it is treatable. But you should get checked before it gets worse. Believe me, you don't want to wait until you get the itch and the burn sensations, it's not good. To prevent infections, don't always wash your privates with soap. Just water will be fine sometimes. Also, when you go to the bathroom, wipe from front to back, and make sure you're completely dry. People that wipe from back to front can transfer bacteria from the anus into the vagina, which leads to infections. Also, wear cotton underwear (no thongs!) as this fabric breathes better. Sleeping with no panties (if it's comfortable for you) helps a lot too, as the vagina gets some air while we sleep. When you take a shower, make sure you dry yourself very well and try not to dry your booty and your vagina with the same part of the towel (sometimes we do it without noticing! ). Our vagina has good and bad bacteria. A way to keep the good bacteria in our system is eating yogurt with live cultures. The "Yoplait" brand is the one I've found so far that has live cultures (it even says it on the cup!). Also, taking Acidophilus pills help with this. I hope this helps and you get well very soon! Let us know how it goes!

    Bunniboo: Foul smells and fishy smells from our vagina are NOT normal. It is possible that every woman has its own smell, like our body smell. But the vagina shouldn't smell strong or bad. Get checked and also read my comment above. Those tips might help you as well. Please, let us know how it goes with you as well!
  • Sep 29, 2011, 09:16 PM
    Hi I just went to my ob/gyn today and they said I had some yellowish discharge or whatever but me and my boyfriend always use condoms. I gave them the OK to do the gonorrhea/chlamydia test and I will find out tomorrow if I have any of that. Im very optimistic that I don't because I do not have any other symptoms but the yellowish color... havent really paid attention to how long its been that way, could've been that way all my life for all I know. But my doctor said it could even just be normal. Always be cautious and if you ever have a thought in your mind that something could be wrong, go get checked out, but don't stress yourself out. If worse comes to worse, most STD's are treatable with oral antibiotics or creams within a weeks time
  • Oct 31, 2011, 07:47 PM
    I have the same problem. I have had unprotected sex, but the symptoms of itchiness were there before that. How can I tell the difference between an STD and an infection? I'm too embarrassed to ask my mom to take me to the clinic. My current boyfriend and I are waiting, although I haven't told him the reason. I am afraid I might possibly have an STD. \: Help!
  • Nov 23, 2011, 08:51 AM
    My advice would be see a medical physician because the odor and the itch could mean an infection or bacterial vaginosis.
  • Feb 9, 2012, 12:38 PM
    Well, to begin with, have you started your period? Because if you haven't it means you will come onto your period within the next 6 months. Depending on whether your breasts and vagina hair has produced :)

    Hope my answer helps! :D xx
  • Feb 23, 2012, 07:04 PM
    I have the same thing, but have NEVER had sex, I'm a teen, 13, some sites say it's normal for puberty and that you should just wear pantyliners.
  • Apr 12, 2012, 08:03 AM
    @BunniBoo girl you need to go to the doctor asap because that is totally unnormal take it from me(im 17yrs old) and I've had a kid to know what is normal and what is not...
  • May 17, 2012, 11:47 AM
    It could be a yeast infection as well. When I change new sex partners I can get really bad yeast infections that cause weird reactions. I have been tested for STDs and am negative. So maybe get tested by your doctor for that?
  • May 19, 2012, 09:53 AM
    I had sex with a guy like 2 weeks ago(unprotected) and now its starting to kind of burn when I pee and I have like a liddo bit of a yellow discharge... im really hoping its not an std! Please help!
  • May 21, 2012, 11:35 AM
    It may not be an STD, go to the store and buy a Thing called ''Monostat'' you may have a yeast infection if it's itchy, the "monostat'' you insert into your vagina for 3 days then the yeast infection should go away but Monostat also costs around $60

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